June 17, 2018

Interspeech 2018 Special Session: Low Resource Speech Recognition Challenge for Indian Languages

1. To participate in the Challenge, you must register and consent to the agreement at the “Register” page and download the data. Participants may not share the data with any person or organization without Microsoft’s prior written consent.

2. Participants who register but do not submit a system to the Challenge are considered withdrawn from the Challenge and are required to delete and purge all data copies.

3. To qualify for the Challenge, Participants must submit a system created on the following guidelines:

  • Participants may only use the audio and transcriptions provided to build their systems.
  • Participants may choose to use the corresponding language’s data to build each system or combine the data and use it cross-lingually.
  • Participants may build systems for any number of languages, even if they all use the data.
  • The systems submitted are expected to beat the baseline system in terms of WER, however, innovative systems that come close to the baseline may be considered.
  • Only the audio for the blind test set (5 hours) will be released. Participants are expected to run their systems on the blind test set.
  • Participants must submit the following items to Microsoft for evaluation: (1) the ASR hypotheses; (2) the final ASR model; and (3) the research paper so Microsoft can reproduce the hypotheses against the blind set.

4. Participants who register and submit systems to the Challenge may use the data in the future solely for research purposes. Participants should provide the following attribution when they publish their findings, “Data provided by SpeechOcean.com and Microsoft”. Data may not be used for commercial purposes.

If you have any questions, please write to interspeech2018@microsoft.com