June 17, 2018

Interspeech 2018 Special Session: Low Resource Speech Recognition Challenge for Indian Languages

January 2, 2018 – Registration for the challenge opens, training data released

January 15, 2018 – Release baseline recipe

March 6, 2018 – Test portal opens at 10 am IST (Indian Standard Time, GMT+05:30) with test audio released.

March 9, 2018 – Test deadline for competition at 5 pm IST (Indian Standard Time, GMT+05:30); up to 3 hypotheses files per language

March 16, 2018 – Abstract submission deadline

March 23, 2018 – Interspeech final paper upload deadline

June 17, 2018 – Camera ready paper deadline

Note: While submitting the paper, please make sure you select the special session “Low Resource Speech Recognition Challenge for Indian Languages”.