April 20, 2017 - April 21, 2017


Location: Cambridge, MA, USA

We solicit papers and posters on matching under preferences.  The matching problems under consideration include, but are not limited to:

  • Two-sided matchings involving agents on both sides (e.g., college admissions, medical resident allocation, job markets)
  • Two-sided matchings involving agents and objects (e.g., house allocation, course allocation, project allocation, assigning papers to reviewers, and  school choice)
  • One-sided matchings (e.g., roommate problems and kidney exchanges)

Poster Submissions

MATCH-UP solicits posters of papers not previously published in another conference or journal.  Papers may be under submission to another conference or journal.  To have your paper be considered for the MATCH-UP poster session, please email the following information to MATCHUP2017@microsoft.com :

  • Presenting author name
  • Presenting author institution
  • Presenting author email address
  • Title
  • Complete list of authors
  • Working draft of paper
  • Posters may be up to 48″W x 36″H
  • The deadline for poster submissions has now passed, and is closed.

Paper Submissions

Authors should indicate which format type their paper should be considered under. The proceedings will take the form of informal working notes distributed at the workshop and online.

Format A
  • Original contribution, not previously published in (or accepted by) another conference proceedings or journal
  • Not under review for a conference or journal elsewhere
  • At most 12 pages (including bibliography) using 11 point font or larger with at least 1″ margins all round, and in single-column format. Any material beyond this limit should be placed in a clearly marked appendix which will be read at the discretion of the programme committee
  • Accepted papers will be published in proceedings (however, this should not prevent the simultaneous or subsequent submission of contributed papers to other workshops, conferences or journals)
Format B
  • Not necessarily original work
  • Can have been published already in (or accepted by) another conference proceedings or journal
  • Can be under review for a conference or journal elsewhere
  • No page limit
  • Only the abstract will be published in proceedings
Information on submitting papers:
  • Submission site: EasyChair
  • Paper submission deadline : Friday, December 9th, 2016
  • The deadline for paper submissions has now passed, and is closed.