April 10, 2016 - April 11, 2016

Microsoft Indoor Localization Competition – IPSN 2016

Location: Vienna, Austria

Contact: For questions about the competition, please email dlymper@microsoft.com







Accurate indoor localization has the potential to transform the way people navigate indoors in a similar way that GPS transformed the way people navigate outdoors. Over the last 15 years, several indoor localization technologies have been proposed and experimented by both academia and industry, but we have yet to see large scale deployments. This competition aims to bring together real-time or near real-time indoor location technologies and compare their performance in the same space.

The team from LINZ CENTER OF MECHATRONICS GMBH put together a video showing some of the action during the competition:

  • News

    04/15/2016: The official results of the 2016 competition have been announced. An overview of the results can be found HERE (opens in new tab). The detailed results for all teams can be found HERE (opens in new tab). Congratulations to all the teams that participated!

    04/04/2016: The competition’s detailed schedule has been announced. All registered teams have been assigned a 15min evaluation time slot on Monday April 11th, 2016.

    03/17/2016: Details about registration, evaluation area, and various logistics can be found HERE (opens in new tab).

    03/16/2016: The competition will take place on Sunday April 10th, and Monday April 11th. The results will be officially announced on Tuesday April 12th (currently working to move the announcement from Wednesday April 13th as listed on the official program to Tuesday April 12th).

    02/19/2016: people that want to attend the competition as observers and not contestants can do it by registering as competition observers: http://www.cpsweek.org/2016/reg.html (opens in new tab)

    02/19/2016: the registration for this year’s competition is currently open: http://www.cpsweek.org/2016/reg.html. (opens in new tab) All contestants planning to attend the competition must officially register for the competition! Registration for the IPSN conference is NOT required.

    02/11/2016: the teams participating in this year’s competition along with the competition categories have been announced!

    02/11/2016: We have received 49 submissions this year! The competition is on!

    Registration deadline: January 20th 2016

    10/20/2015: The 2016 Microsoft Indoor Localization Competition has been officially announced!

  • Check the 2015 and 2014 competition websites above to get a better idea of the evaluation setup, the type of systems expected, and pictures of the different teams in action!