April 10, 2016 - April 11, 2016

Microsoft Indoor Localization Competition – IPSN 2016

Location: Vienna, Austria

The detailed results can be found HERE and HERE.

The team from JRC that performed the ground truth mapping of the evaluation area has made the 3D scanning data available. For more information on the collected 3D scanning dataset you can contact Simone Ceriani and Pierluigi Taddei.



    1. Marinis et al. in the 2D category was not considered for the awards. The system required a significantly different evaluation process compared to the official one. The team required to go over specific evaluation points multiple times, and to also record the exact evaluation point they were at, at any given time. Given that no other teams followed this process, this team was not included in the awards.
    2. Elias et al. competed with two versions of the same system: one that requires explicit initialization to a known ground truth location before the evaluation, and one where the initial location was automatically inferred by the system based on WiFi and magnetic fingerprints. Both versions of the system complied to the rules of the competition, and the version of the system with initialization clearly achieved the lowest error. However, given that the system from Su et al. that achieved very similar accuracy to that of Elias et al. did not use explicit initialization, we believe that a fair comparison can only be made among the Elias et al. without initialization and the rest of the teams. Given this, Su et al. got the first place, and Elias et al. the second place. Given the technology leveraged by both teams, the achieved accuracy by these teams is practically identical.
    3. Morin et al. in the 3D category was an exhibition team from the competition’s sponsor Leica. They used a backpack equipped with 5 high-end camera modules, 2 LIDARs and a commercial-grade GPS receiver. This system was not a real-time system as they had to post-process image data and manually select the evaluation points in these images. As a result, it was not considered for the awards.
    4. Flores et al. in the 3D category: during the evaluation process, the organizers wrote down the wrong x-coordinate for evaluation point 15. Even though the team reported (13.38, 0.44, 3.65), the organizers wrote down (30.38, 0.44, 3.65). With this correction, the average location error for this team is 1.74m and not 2.86m.
    5. Kulm et al. in the 3D category reported coordinates without adjusting for their 1.5m tall tripod they used to attach their tag to. Unfortunately, they informed the organizers about this after the competition was completed. When adjusting for the 1.5m fixed offset of the tripod, the location error of this team comes down to 0.43m from the 1.43m shown in the graphs above.
  • We are happy to announce we have received 49 submissions this year! All 49 submissions have been classified into two categories: 3D and 2D localization. All 27 teams in the 3D localization category require to deploy custom hardware, and will have to provide 3D locations during evaluation. All 22 teams in the 2D localization category rely on already available signals such as WiFi and FM, and will have to report 2D locations during evaluation.

    Teams in green fonts have at least one team member officially registered for the competition, and will be allowed to deploy their systems during the competition. Teams in red fonts do not have any of their team members officially registered, and therefore they will NOT be allowed to deploy their systems during the competition. (based on registration data as of Monday March 21st).

    The detailed schedule for both days of the competition:



     Session Description

     Sunday:04/10/2016 (Setup Day)   9:15 – 10:00 Welcome, space walk-through, rules overview and team check-in
     10:00 – 17:00 Setup time: all teams deploy, calibrate and test their systems
     Monday:04/11/2016 (Evaluation Day)   8:30 – 17:30 Evaluation of all teams in 15min pre-assigned time slots. Teams should be present at least 1.5 hours before their assigned evaluation time slot. The time slots assigned to each team can be found in the two tables below.
     Tuesday:04/12/2016 Official Results Announcement  14:30 – 15:30  The official results are announced. Winning teams give 5min talks describing their systems. This session will be held in the same room where the IPSN 2016 conference will take place here.
     Tuesday:04/12/2016 Poster Session   16:00 – 18:00  Poster session co-located with the official 2016 IPSN poster session
  • Authors Affiliation Title Evaluation Time Slot
    Lazik et al USA – Carnegie Mellon University ALPS: The Acoustic Location Processing System N/A
    Hoppe et al. Germany – Freiburg im Breisgau, Telocate GmbH Telocate ASSIST 11:45
    Hammer et al. Austria – Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH (LCM) Sound Based Localization System for Safety Applications in Underground Mining 12:00
    Wang et al. China – Zhejiang University AIDLOC: An Accurate Acoustic Indoor Localization System 12:15
    Al-darowbi et al. Saudi Arabia – KFUPM 3D Indoor Localization in the Presence of a Single Beacon N/A
    Flores et al. Germany – Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg (FAU) A Range-Bearing based Ultrasonic Positioning System (RB-UPS) 12:30
    Perez-Cruz et al. USA – Nokia Bell Labs TDoA-based Localization Using Enhanced Multilateration N/A
    Dobrev et al. Germany – Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg (FAU), Symeo GmbH, Neubiberg/Munich A Wireless Localization Network for 6D Pose Estimation 12:45
    Baszun et al. Poland – Biocontrol Real Time Livestock Tracking System Based on UWB Technology 13:00
    He et al. China – University of Science and Technology System for 3D Positioning Based on UWB 13:15
    Cabuz et al. Japan – Ritsumeiken University

    Germany – Jacobs University Bremen, ZIGPOS GmbH

    A Distributed Indoor Localization Framework 13:30
    Dardari et al. Italy – University of Bologna, Uniset s.r.l., DMM s.r.l. SEQUITUR: An Ultra-wideband Flexible 3D Locating Platform 13:45
    Loreto et al. Italy – NexTechs Srl NexTechs Indoor Positioning System: An UWB Approach N/A
    Krikke et al. Netherlands – OpenRTLS OpenRTLS UWB 14:00
    Trybula et al. Poland – Elokon Polska Sp. z o.o. UWB Indoor Localization System based on Two-way Ranging Measurement for Industrial Applications N/A
    Tabarovsky et al. Russia – RTLS Research & Development LLC High Accuracy Indoor Positioning System with Decawave Transceivers and Auto-calibration 14:15
    Lou et al. China – Hangzhou Sunsend Info Tech Co. Ltd. UWB ToA and TDoA Hybrid Localization System 14:30
    Terragrid India/Bulgaria – TerraGrid TerraGrid: Taking you where GPS cannot N/A
    Kulm et al. Estonia – Eliko Precise UWB Indoor Positioning System 14:45
    Kempke et al. USA – University of Michigan PolyPoint: High-Precision Indoor Localization with UWB 15:00
    Kämäräinen et al. Finland – VTT Technical Research Center UWB Localization Complemented by Impulse Radar 15:15
    Gunes et al. Germany – Quantitec GmbH IntraNav – Low-cost Indoor Localization System and IoT Platform 15:30
    Pichler et al. Austria – Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH (LCM) UWB Indoor Localization in Time-of-Arrival Configuration 15:45
    Morin et al. Switzerland – Leica Geosystems Leica Geosystems Pegasus Backpack 16:00
    Vadeny et al. USA – University of Albany VSLAM and VLC Based Localization 16:15
    Zhang et al. USA – Real Earth, Inc Compact, Real-time Localization without Reliance on Infrastructure 16:30
  • Authors Affiliation Title Evaluation Time Slot
    Huang et al. China – Ubirouting Technology Corp. A Magnetic Field Based Lightweight Indoor Positioning System for Mobile Devices 8:30
    Su et al. China – Tongji University Precise Indoor Localization Platform Based on Wifi-GeoMagnetic Fingerprinting and Aided IMU 8:45
    Wu et al. China – Glodon Software Co., Ltd Particle Filter and Support Vector Machine based Indoor Localization System 9:00
    Smirnov et al. Russia – Navigine Navigine Navigation Technology for Handheld Mobile Devices N/A
    Zheng et al. China – Xiamen University Precise Hand-held Indoor Location 9:15
    Wang et al. China – Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications MagLoc: Indoor Localization using Geomagnetic, WiFi, and INS N/A
    Peng et al. China – Xiamen University Precise Indoor Positioning System via Multiple Sensor Fusion 9:30
    Narzullaev et al. Malaysia – IQALAM DASTUR SDN. BHD. CATCH Indoor Positioning System N/A
    Han et al. Republic of Korea – Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology KAILOS: KAIST Indoor Locating System 9:45
    Ben-Moshe et al. Israel – Ariel University GoIn – An Accurate InDoor Navigation Framework for Mobile Devices N/A
    Herrera et al. Mexico – Navix Indoor Navigation Navix: Smartphone Multi-sensor, Radio and Probability Map Based Indoor Positioning N/A
    Elias et al. Portugal – Fraunhofer Portugal Research Center for Assistive Information and Communication Solutions A Motion Tracking Solution for Indoor Location Using Smartphones and Initialization 10:00
    Elias et al. Portugal – Fraunhofer Portugal Research Center for Assistive Information and Communication Solutions A Motion Tracking Solution for Indoor Location Using Smartphones 10:15
    Danaci et al. Turkey – Ege University Indoor Location Positioning System with WiFi Technology N/A
    Shu et al. China – Zhejiang University R-Loc: A Robust Wifi-based Indoor Localization System 11:30
    Mosharafa et al. Egypt – Nile University MazeIn: An Indoor Localization Engine 10:30
    Yoshizawa et al. Japan – Ricoh Company, Ltd. Indoor Positioning by Fusing Pedestrian Dead Reckoning and Proximity Beacon Technologies 10:45
    Liao et al. Taiwan – Aquaways CO. Ltd. Indoor Localization Using Broadcasting FM Signals TDOA Triangulation N/A
    Barbadillo et al. Philippines – University of the Philippines Auto-Calibrated 2D Localization System Using RSSI N/A
    Rea et al. Spain – IMDEA Networks Institute, University Carlos IIISwitzerland – Armasuisse Robust WiFI Time-of-Flight Positioning System 11:00
    Rosen et al. Israel – Infuse Infuse: Indoor Localization Using Sensor Fusion N/A
    Schmitz et al. Real-time Indoor Localization with TDOA and Distributed Software Defined Radio Real-time Indoor Localization with TDOA and Distributed Software Defined Radio 11:15
    Marinis et al. Italy – DUNE s.r.l. Italy – DUNE s.r.l. 11:30