Microsoft at SIGIR 2018
July 8, 2018 - July 12, 2018

Microsoft @ SIGIR 2018

Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA


Full Papers

Calendar-Aware Proactive Email Recommendation
Qian Zhao (University of Minnesota); Paul Bennett (Microsoft); Adam Fourney (Microsoft); Anne Thompson (Microsoft); Shane Williams (Microsoft); Adam D. Troy (Microsoft); Susan Dumais (Microsoft)

Characterizing and Supporting Question Answering in Human-to-Human Communication
Xiao Yang (The Pennsylvania State University); Ahmed Hassan Awadallah (Microsoft); Madian Khabsa (Apple); Wei Wang (Microsoft); Miaosen Wang (Microsoft)

Deep Domain Adaptation Hashing with Adversarial Learning
Fuchen Long (University of Science and Technology of China); Ting Yao (Microsoft); Qi Dai (Microsoft); Xinmei Tian (University of Science and Technology of China); Jiebo Luo (University of Rochester); Tao Mei (Microsoft)

Measuring the Utility of Search Engine Result Pages
Leif Azzopardi (University of Strathclyde); Paul Thomas (Microsoft); Nick Craswell (Microsoft)

Natural Language Interfaces with Fine-Grained User Interaction: A Case Study on Web APIs
Yu Su (University of California Santa Barbara); Ahmed Hassan Awadallah (Microsoft); Miaosen Wang (Microsoft); Ryen White (Microsoft)

Towards Better Text Understanding and Retrieval through Kernel Entity Salience Modeling
Chenyan Xiong (Carnegie Mellon University); Zhengzhong Liu (Carnegie Mellon University); Jamie Callan (Carnegie Mellon University); Tie-Yan Liu (Microsoft)

Short Papers

Ad Click Prediction in sequence with Long Short-Term Memory Networks: An externality-aware model
Weiwei Deng (Microsoft); Xiaoliang Ling (Microsoft); Yang Qi (Microsoft); Tunzi Tan (School of Mathematical Sciences @ University of Chinese Academy of Sciences); Eren Manavoglu (Microsoft); Qi Zhang (Microsoft)

Assessing the Readability of Web Search Results for Searchers with Dyslexia
Adam Fourney (Microsoft); Meredith Ringel Morris (Microsoft); Abdullah Ali (University of Washington); Laura Vonessen (University of Washington)

Attention-driven Factor Model for Explainable Personalized Recommendation
Jingwu Chen (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Fuzhen Zhuang (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Xin Hong (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Xiang Ao (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Xing Xie (Microsoft); Qing He (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Cross Domain Regularization for Neural Ranking Models using Adversarial Learning
Daniel Cohen (University of Massachusetts Amherst); Bhaskar Mitra (Microsoft); Katja Hofmann (Microsoft); Bruce Croft (University of Massachusetts Amherst)

Multi-level Abstraction Convolutional Model with Weak Supervision for Information Retrieval
Yifan Nie (University of Montreal); Alessandro Sordoni (Maluuba – Microsoft); Jian-Yun Nie (University of Montreal)

Optimizing Query Evaluations using Reinforcement Learning for Web Search
Corby Rosset (Microsoft); Damien Jose (Microsoft); Gargi Ghosh (Microsoft); Bhaskar Mitra (Microsoft); Saurabh Tiwary (Microsoft)

Quantitative Information Extraction From Social Data
Omar Alonso (Microsoft); Thibault Sellam (Columbia University)

Testing the Cluster Hypothesis with Focused and Graded Relevance Judgments
Eilon Sheetrit (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology); Anna Shtok (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology); Oren Kurland (Technion, Israel Institute of Technology); Igal Shprincis (Microsoft, Herzliya, Israel)

Transparent Tree Ensembles
Alexander Moore (Microsoft); Vanessa Murdock (Microsoft); Yaxiong Cai (Microsoft); Kristine Jones (Microsoft)

SIRIP Industry Papers

Puneet Agrawal and Manoj Kumar Chinnakotla. Lessons from Building a Large-scale Commercial IR-based Chatbot for an Emerging Market
Puneet Agrawal (Microsoft); Manoj Kumar Chinnakotla (Microsoft)