Abstract image with blue, purple, and orange tiles moving upward
October 21, 2022

Microsoft Turing Academic Program Workshop

Location: Virtual

MS-TAP program has given a special opportunity to academics to research on Turing Language Model family with Microsoft. The workshop is to bring together the research institutions who participated in the program for the last 2 years to exchange their findings and learnings on their research on Large Language Models. We will also discuss the best way to make AI models by Microsoft more accessible to academics in a more accountable and responsible way so that we develop the foundational research community to drive the state-of-the-art of research and the innovation on Large Language Models together. 


headshot of Eric Horvitz
Eric Horvitz

Technical Fellow and Chief Scientific Officer

a man smiling for the camera
Saurabh Tiwary

Corporate Vice President, Technical Fellow
Microsoft Turing

headshot of Robert West (opens in new tab)
Robert West

Assistant Professor
École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

headshot of Percy Liang
Percy Liang

Microsoft Research
Associate Professor
Stanford University

photo of Junwei Lu (opens in new tab)
Junwei Lu

Assistant Professor
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

headshot of Prakhar Gupta (opens in new tab)
Prakhar Gupta

PhD student
Language Technology Institute, Carnegie Mellon University

photo of Vishrav Chaudhary (opens in new tab)
Vishrav Chaudhary

Senior Principal Researcher
Microsoft Turing

a young man wearing a suit and tie smiling at the camera (opens in new tab)
Erwin Gianchandani

Assistant Director of the Directorate for Technology
National Science Foundation

photo of Jianing (opens in new tab)
Jianing “Jed” Yang

PhD Candidate in Computer Science and Engineering
University of Michigan

Ahmed Hassan Awadallah
Ahmed H. Awadallah

Senior Principal Research Manager
Microsoft Research

Shane Storks wearing glasses posing for the camera (opens in new tab)
Shane Storks

PhD Candidate in Computer Science and Engineering
University of Michigan


Time (PST)SessionSpeaker
8:00 AMWelcome and Opening RemarksEric Horvitz, Technical Fellow and Chief Scientific Officer, Microsoft 
8:10 AMPanel discussion: Toward healthy research eco-system on Large Language Model | video
Erwin Gianchandani, Assistant Director of the Directorate for Technology, National Science Foundation
Percy Liang, Associate Professor, Stanford University 
Ahmed H. Awadallah, Senior Principal Research Manager, Microsoft Research
Saurabh Tiwary, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Turing 
Eric Horvitz, Technical Fellow and Chief Scientific Officer, Microsoft 
9:00 AMProject Updates (30 min x 2 schools)
Robert West, Assistant Professor, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) 
Percy Liang, Associate Professor, Stanford University 
10:00 AMBreak
10:30 AMProject Updates (30 min x 3 schools)Junwei Lu, Assistant Professor, Harvard University 
Prakhar Gupta, PhD Student, Carnegie Melon University 
Shane Storks and Jianing “Jed” Yang, PhD Student, University of Michigan
12:00 PMUpdate on Turing Academic ProgramVishrav Chaudhary, Senior Principal Researcher, Microsoft Turing 
12:30 PMClosing RemarksSaurabh Tiwary, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Turing 

Workshop organizers

Megan Kairiss, Microsoft Turing
Vishrav Chaudhary, Microsoft Turing
Dean Carignan, Office of the Chief Scientist
Sean Kuno, Microsoft Research Outreach
Emre Kiciman, Microsoft Research Redmond
Ahmed H. Awadallah, Microsoft Research Redmond

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