View of Vancouver and the Vancouver Convention Center
December 8, 2019 - December 14, 2019

Microsoft at NeurIPS 2019

Location: Vancouver, Canada


Come by our booth (#301) to see demos of our latest research and meet with our team! See schedule below:

Monday, December 9

Time Demos Meet Our Team
10:30 AM–11:15 AM
  • Responsible AI
  • Infer.NET
  • Andrew Fitzgibbon – Vision
  • Anna Mitenkova – RL
1:15 PM–2:00 PM
  • BERT on Azure ML
  • Distributional Reward Decomposition for Reinforcement Learning
  • Ali Zaidi – NLP, Stats
  • Kamil Ciosek – RL
  • Shawn Jain – AI Residency
2:00 PM–2:45 PM
  • Metalearned Neural Memory
  • Fully Parameterized Quantile Function for Distributional Reinforcement Learning
  • Harm van Seijen – RL
  • Ravi Pandya – Health
4:45 PM–5:00 PM
  • BERT on Azure ML
  • Icebreaker: Efficient Information Acquisition with Active Learning
6:30 PM–7:30 PM
  • Alex Polozov – Program synthesis, NL2Code
  • Jan Stühmer – Generative Models, Vision
  • Keiji Kanazawa – Azure Machine Learning
  • Marc Brockschmidt – GNNs
6:35 PM–8:30 PM
  • IPU-Accelerated Medical Imaging on Microsoft Azure

Tuesday, December 10

Time Demos Meet Our Team
9:20 AM–10:05 AM
  • Responsible AI: interpretability & fairness in machine learning
  • BERT on Azure ML
  • Abhishek Rao – Text classification
  • Ehi Nosakhare – ML or healthcare/interpretability
  • Govert Verkes – Vision
  • John-Mark Agosta – Azure
  • Yi Li – Knowledge graph
12:45 PM–1:30 PM
  • Responsible AI: interpretability & fairness in machine learning
  • Efficient Forward Neural Architecture Search
  • Andrew Fitzgibbon – Vision
  • Danielle Belgrave – AI for Healthcare
  • Kaushal Paneri – Causal Inference
  • Michael Revow – Real time communication, Video
1:30 PM–2:15 PM
  • Responsible AI: interpretability & fairness in machine learning
  • BERT on Azure ML
  • Anna Mitenkova – RL
  • Cassandra Oduola – Deep Learning, CV, HCI
  • Isabel Chien – AI for healthcare
  • Raluca Georgescu – RL
3:25 PM–4:10 PM
  • Responsible AI: interpretability & fairness in machine learning
  • Provably Robust Deep Learning via Adversarially Trained Smoothed Classifiers
  • Akshay Krishnamurthy – RL Theory
  • Samira Shabanian – Generative models, FATE
  • Marc Brockschmidt – GNNs
  • Kaushal Paneri – Causal Inference

Wednesday, December 11

Time Demos Meet Our Team
9:20 AM–10:05 AM
  • High performance inferencing for interoperable ONNX models
  • Microsoft Rocket Video Analytics Platform
  • Andrew Fitzgibbon – Vision
  • Anuj Bhatia – Azure
  • Javier Alvarez – AI for healthcare
  • Yuanchao Shu – Video and Systems
12:45 PM–1:30 PM
  • High performance inferencing for interoperable ONNX models
  • Using a Logarithmic Mapping to Enable Lower Discount Factors in Reinforcement Learning
  • Forough Poursabzi-Sangdeh – FATE, CSS
  • Lindsey Allen – AI Platform
  • Siyu Yang – AI for Good
  • Yi Li – Knowledge graph
  • Yixi Xu – AI for Good
1:30 PM–2:15 PM
  • High performance inferencing for interoperable ONNX models
  • FastSpeech: Fast, Robust and Controllable Text to Speech
  • Danielle Belgrave – AI for Healthcare
  • Judy Shen – AI Residency
  • Lindsey Allen – AI Platform
  • Marc Brockschmidt – GNNs
  • Raluca Georgescu – RL
3:05 PM–3:50 PM
  • Responsible AI: interpretability & fairness in machine learning
  • Infer.NET
  • Alex Polozov – Program synthesis, NL2Code
  • Allison Hegel – AI Residency
  • Ehi Nosakhare – MAIDAP/ ML for health/ Interpretability
  • Forough Poursabzi-Sangdeh – FATE, CSS
  • Lindsey Allen – AI Platform