Seattle skyline
January 14, 2017 - January 20, 2017

Quantum Information Processing 2017 hosted by Microsoft Research

Location: Seattle, WA, USA


QIP 2017 was hosted in Seattle Washington by the QuArC group at Microsoft Research in Redmond and the University of Washington.

    h2>Program Schedules
  • QIP 2017 tutorials schedule

  • Rigetti Computing – Monday, January 16, 8:00pm-9:30pm

    Title: A Practical Quantum Programming Workshop

    Abstract: Recent progress on quantum computing hardware, especially in superconducting qubit systems, highlights the need for practical programming models and tools for these first devices. In particular, many near-term applications are quantum/classical hybrid algorithms, that treat the quantum computer as a co-processor. In this workshop, we present an open source quantum programming toolkit targeting near-term applications and devices. This toolkit includes an intermediate quantum instruction language (Quil) and Python libraries for generating and executing Quil code in either a simulated environment or on a quantum processor. This workshop will be interactive, so bring your laptops and Python 2.7 installations!

    Microsoft LIQUi|> – Tuesday, January 17, 8:00pm-9:30pm

    Title: Language Integrated Quantum Operations (LIQUi|>) – A User’s Tutorial

    Abstract: LIQUi|> provides a modular software architecture for the simulation of quantum algorithms. It provides a high-level interface and is independent of a specific quantum architecture. In the past year, we’ve released LIQUi|> to the public for academic use. It is a free package that runs on Windows, Linux and OSX as a provided library and executable with built-in examples and sample scripts as well as a development environment (using Visual Studio or mono, also freely available) that allows the user to compile their own quantum algorithms into an executable. The package includes a 100-page user’s manual as well as over 700 pages of API documentation. This tutorial will focus on:

    • Obtaining and installing the package from
    • Obtaining and installing Visual Studio and mono as development environments (best for attendees to do this beforehand, following instructions on the above website, see “Getting Started”)
    • Getting the system running using built in examples (e.g., Shor)
    • How to draw circuits (e.g., Teleport)
    • Editing, compiling and running your own circuit (step-by-step)
    • Use of scripting (e.g., controlling and creating Quantum Chemistry tests)
    • Overview of documentation (User’s Manual, API docs, Videos, GitHub community)

    To follow along during the tutorial, please download the software from in advance.

  • Program Details

  • Garnet Chan – Simulating quantum systems on classical computers

    Tuesday, January 17, 9:00AM – 10:00AM

    Abstract: I will describe the landscape of classical simulations of the quantum mechanics of materials, chemistry, and biology and the role that quantum information theory has played. I will showcase the current state-of-the-art and highlight challenges, with some speculation as to where quantum computing may be important.

    Chaoyang Lu – Racing classical computers with quantum boson-sampling machines

    Tuesday, January 17, 3:50PM – 4:50PM

    Abstract: In this talk, I will report two routes towards experimental BosonSampling with many photons. We developed SPDC two-photon source with simultaneously a collection efficiency of ~70% and an indistinguishability of ~91% between independent photons. With this, we demonstrate genuine and distillable entanglement of ten photons under different pump power [1]. Such a platform will provide enabling technologies for teleportation of multiple properties of photons [2] and efficient scattershot BosonSampling. Self-assembled InGaAs QDs are in principle deterministic single-quantum emitters with near-unity quantum efficiency and fast decay rate. Using a QD coupled to a micropillar, we produced single photons with high purity, near-unity indistinguishability [3], and high extraction efficiency, all combined in a single device compatibly and simultaneously [4]. Long streams of >1000 single photons separated by tens of microseconds maintain a >92% indistinguishability, which are shown to be near transform limit [5]. The single photons are used for 3-, 4-, and 5-bosonsampling experiments, more than 24,000 times faster than all previous experiments, and more than 10 times faster than through calculating the matrices permanents using the first electronic computer (ENIAC) and transistorized computer (TRADIC) in the human history [6]. Our architecture is feasible to be scaled up to a larger number of photons and with higher rate to race against increasingly advanced classical computers in the near term.


    • [1] X.-L. Wang et al. Experimental ten-photon entanglement, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 210502 (2016).
    • [2] X.-L. Wang et al. Quantum teleportation of multiple degrees of freedom of a single photon, Nature 518, 516 (2015).
    • [3] Y.-M. He et al. On-demand semiconductor single-photon source with near-unity indistinguishability Nature Nanotechnology 8, 213 (2013).
    • [4] X. Ding et al. On-demand single photons with high extraction efficiency and near-unity indistinguishability from a resonantly driven quantum dot in a micropillar, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 020401 (2016).
    • [5] H. Wang et al. Near transform-limited single photons from an efficient solid-state quantum emitter, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 213601 (2016).
    • [6] H. Wang et al. Multi-photon boson-sampling machines beating early classical computers, arXiv:1612.06956

    James Lee – Spectrahedral lifts and quantum learning

    Thursday, January 19, 9:00AM – 10:00AM

    Abstract: Semidefinite programming (SDP) is one of the most powerful general purpose methods in combinatorial optimization, and understanding its strengths and limitations is a central focus of research in mathematical optimization. In joint work with Raghavendra and Steurer, we showed recently that polytopes associated to NP-hard problems (like Max-Cut and the Traveling Salesman Problem) do not admit SDP characterizations of subexponential size. Previously, it was unclear how to achieve such strong lower bounds for any explicit family of polytopes. A key insight involves associating a large quantum-classical state to an SDP and then learning a “simple” approximation to that state via a boosting process guided by the von Neumann entropy. The idea of viewing certain kinds of classical objects as points in a relaxed quantum landscape has other potential applications in the theory of computation.

    Resources: Following are some blog entries about entropy optimization, lifts of polytopes, and related things.

    Arxiv pointer to the main reference:

  • Steve Flammia – Debugging the next generation of quantum devices

    Saturday, January 14, 9:30AM – 12:00PM

    Abstract: Recent years have witnessed tremendous progress in laboratory experiments for quantum computing. As the complexity of these experiments increases, however, so too does the difficultly in verifying the quality of the experiment by some objective measure, and in characterizing any undesired noise processes therein so as to improve the next generation devices. In particular, in the absence of a full-fledged quantum computer, we are left with the question: how can we tell if our quantum computer is really working? In this tutorial I will present an overview of the core methods that experimentalists use to address these tasks. The two main tools can be broadly classified as being either tomography or randomized benchmarking, and I will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of these methods. I will describe the theoretical challenges that remain both for mathematical analysis of these ideas as well as for practical data analysis from real experiments.

    Lidia Del Rio – Quantum Thermodynamics

    Saturday, January 14, 2:00PM – 4:30PM

    Abstract: How much heat is dissipated in a quantum computer? Just how small can thermal engines be? When can we model a device’s environment as a heat bath? As technology miniaturizes, we find that traditional thermodynamics is inadequate to study heat and work at the nanoscale, due for example to finite-size effects, emergence of quantum effects, subjectivity of information, and relevance of single-shot results. To tackle these challenges, a new theory of quantum thermodynamics is emerging, drawing insights from quantum information theory. In this tutorial, we will see how tools developed to study entanglement and quantum communication can be applied to thermodynamics. First, we will explore the relationship between information and thermodynamics, from Maxwell’s demon to the work cost of quantum computations. I will then motivate and lay out the resource-theoretic approach to thermodynamics, which allows us to derive the thermodynamic laws from first principles. Finally, I will give a brief overview of the state of the art and promising directions in the field. The tutorial will be accessible to any quantum mechanic with a background in CS, mathematics, or physics.

    [1] J. Goold, M. Huber, A. Riera, LdR & P. Skrzypczyk, The role of quantum information in thermodynamics – a topical review, arXiv:1505.07835

    Norbert Schuch – Matrix Product States and Tensor Networks

    Sunday, January 15, 9:30AM – 12:00PM

    Abstract: Interacting systems of many quantum particles exhibit rich physics due to their underlying entanglement, and are a topic of major interest in several areas of physics. In recent years, quantum information ideas have allowed us to understand the entanglement structure of such systems, and to come up with novel ways to describe and study them. In my lecture, I will first explain how we can describe such systems based on their entanglement structure, giving rise to so-called Tensor Network States. I will then discuss how these concepts can be used to model strongly interacting many-body systems and to study the different exotic topological states of matter based on their entanglement, and I will briefly highlight their suitability for numerical simulations. Finally, I will discuss open mathematical and physical challenges in the field.

    John Preskill – Quantum Information and Spacetime

    Sunday, January 15, 2:00PM – 4:30PM

    Abstract: I will review how tools from quantum information theory are providing a fresh perspective on some of the deepest problems in particle physics and gravitation. The first lecture will be a brisk overview of the current status of fundamental physics, followed by a discussion of entanglement in quantum field theory and of the properties of quantum black holes. The second lecture will be an introduction to AdS/CFT duality in quantum gravity, emphasizing the emergence of spacetime from entanglement and the role of quantum error correction. I know it sounds scary, but I’m a physicist, so it will be perfectly safe.

    Select References:

  • Plenary talks

    • From quantum thermodynamical identities to a second law equality—Alvaro Alhambra, Jonathan Oppenheim, Chris Perry, and Lluis Masanes
    • The entanglement of distillation for gauge theories—Karel Van Acoleyen, Volkher Scholz, Michael Marien, Nick Bultinck, Jutho Haegemen, and Frank Verstraete
    • Exponential separation between quantum communication complexity and classical information complexity—Anurag Anshu, Dave Touchette, Penghui Yao, and Nengkun Yu
    • Tsirelson’s problem and an embedding theorem for groups arising from non-local games—William Slofstra
    • Entropy Accumulation in Device-Independent Protocols—Rotem Arnon-Friedman, Frédéric Dupuis, Omar Fawzi, Renato Renner, and Thomas Vidick
    • Quantum homomorphic encryption for polynomial-sized circuits (Best Student Paper)—Yfke Dulek, Christian Schaffner, and Florian Speelman

    Accepted talks

    • Gaussian optimizers in quantum information—Giacomo De Palma, Dario Trevisan, and Vittorio Giovannetti
    • Multivariate Trace InequalitiesDavid Sutter, Mario Berta, and Marco Tomamichel
    • Private states, quantum data hiding and the swapping of perfect secrecy—Roberto Ferrara, and Matthias Christandl
    • A Complete Characterization of Unitary Quantum Space—Bill Fefferman and Cedric Yen-Yu Lin
    • Unifying gate-synthesis and magic state distillation—Earl Campbell and Mark Howard
    • Optimal compression for identically prepared qubit states—Yuxiang Yang, Giulio Chiribella, and Masahito Hayashi
    • A parallel repetition theorem for all entangled gamesHenry Yuen
    • Finite correlation length implies efficient preparation of quantum thermal states—Michael Kastoryano and Fernando Brandao
    • Universal quantum HamiltoniansToby Cubitt, Ashley Montanaro, and Stephen Piddock
    • Quantum Recommendation Systems—Iordanis Kerenidis and Anupam Prakash
    • A Resource Theory for Work and Heat—Carlo Sparaciari, Jonathan Oppenheim, and Tobias Fritz
    • Fault-Tolerant Error Correction for non-Abelian Anyons—Guillaume Dauphinais and David Poulin
    • Quantum Speed-ups for Semidefinite Programming—Fernando Brandao and Krysta Svore
    • Geometric inequalities and contractivity of bosonic semigroups—Nilanjana Datta, Stefan Huber, Robert König, Yan Pautrat, Cambyse Rouzé, and Anna Vershynina
    • Robust Self-Testing of Many Qubit States—Anand Natarajan and Thomas Vidick
    • Rigorous RG algorithms and area laws for low energy eigenstates in 1D—Itai Arad, Zeph Landau, Umesh Vazirani, and Thomas Vidick
    • Semidefinite programming strong converse bounds for quantum channel capacitiesXin Wang, Wei Xie and Runyao Duan
    • Time-correlated noise in quantum computation—Hector Bombin
    • Threshold Theorem for Quantum Supremacy—Keisuke Fujii
    • Sequential measurements, disturbance and property testing—Aram Harrow, Cedric Lin, and Ashley Montanaro
    • Belief propagation decoding of quantum channels by passing quantum messagesJoseph M. Renes
    • Biunitary constructions in quantum informationDavid Reutter and Jamie Vicary
    • Energy as a detector of nonlocality of many-body spin systems—Jordi Tura Brugués, Gemma de Las Cuevas, Remigiusz Augusiak, Maciej Lewenstein, Antonio Acín, and Ignacio Cirac
    • Application of a resource theory for magic states to fault-tolerant quantum computing—Mark Howard and Earl Campbell
    • Optimal Quantum Sample Complexity of Learning Algorithms—Srinivasan Arunachalam and Ronald de Wolf
    • Operator scaling and applicationsAnkit Garg, Leonid Gurvits, Rafael Oliveira, and Avi Wigderson
    • Information-Theoretic Tools for Interactive Quantum Protocols, and Applications: Flow of Information, Augmented Index, and DYCK(2)—Mathieu Lauriere, Ashwin Nayak, and Dave Touchette
    • Sculpting Quantum Speedups—Scott Aaronson and Shalev Ben-David
    • Complexity of quantum impurity problems—Sergey Bravyi and David Gosset
    • Zero-knowledge proof systems for QMA—Anne Broadbent, Zhengfeng Ji, Fang Song, and John Watrous
    • Separations in communication complexity using cheat sheets and information complexity—Anurag Anshu, Aleksandrs Belovs, Shalev Ben-David, Mika Goos, Rahul Jain, Robin Kothari, Troy Lee, and Miklos Santha
    • Applications of recoverability in quantum information—Alvaro Alhambra, Mario Berta, Francesco Buscemi, Siddhartha Das, Marius Lemm, Seth Lloyd, Iman Marvian, Mark Wilde, Stephanie Wehner, and Mischa Woods
    • Capacity Estimates for TRO Channels—Li Gao, Marius Junge, and Nicholas Laracuente
    • Optimal Hamiltonian Simulation by Quantum Signal Processing—Guang Hao Low and Isaac Chuang
    • Improved classical simulation of quantum circuits dominated by Clifford gates—Sergey Bravyi and David Gosset
    • Symmetry protected topological order at nonzero temperature—Sam Roberts, Beni Yoshida, Aleksander Kubica, and Stephen Bartlett
    • Limitations of semidefinite programs for separable states and entangled games—Aram Harrow, Anand Natarajan, and Xiaodi Wu
    • A polynomial time quantum algorithm for computing class groups and solving the principal ideal problem in arbitrary degree number fields—Jean-Francois Biasse and Fang Song
    • Asymptotic entanglement manipulation under PPT operations: new SDP bounds and irreversibilityXin Wang and Runyao Duan
    • Compression of Quantum Multi-Prover Interactive Proofs—Zhengfeng Ji
    • The Thermality of Quantum Approximate Markov Chains, with implications to the Locality of Edge States and Entanglement Spectrum—Kohtaro Kato and Fernando Brandao
    • Characterizing Quantum Supremacy in Near-Term Devices—Sergio Boixo, Sergei Isakov, Vadim Smelyanskiy, Ryan Babbush, Nan Ding, Zhang Jiang, Michael Bremner, John Martinis, and Hartmut Neven
    • Anyons and Matrix Product Operator Algebras—Nick Bultinck, Michael Marien, Dominic Williamson, Mehmet Burak Sahinoglu, Jutho Haegeman, and Frank Verstraete
    • Round Complexity in the Local Transformations of Quantum and Classical StateEric Chitambar and Min-Hsiu Hsieh
    • On preparing ground states of gapped Hamiltonians: An efficient Quantum Lovász Local Lemma—Andras Gilyen and Or Sattath
    • General Randomness Amplification with Non-signaling SecurityKai-Min Chung, Yaoyun Shi, and Xiaodi Wu
    • SU(p,q) coherent states and Gaussian de Finetti theoremsAnthony Leverrier
    • Catalytic Decoupling—Christian Majenz, Mario Berta, Frédéric Dupuis, Renato Renner, and Matthias Christandl merged with Deconstruction and conditional erasure of quantum correlations—Mario Berta, Fernando Brandao, Christian Majenz, and Mark Wilde
    • Converse bounds for private communication over quantum channelsMark Wilde, Marco Tomamichel, and Mario Berta merged with Two-way assisted capacities for quantum and private communicationStefano Pirandola, Riccardo Laurenza, Carlo Ottaviani, and Leonardo Banchi
    • Overlapping qubitsRui Chao, Ben Reichardt, Chris Sutherland and Thomas Vidick merged with Parallel self-testing of (tilted) EPR pairs via copies of (tilted) CHSHAndrea W. Coladangelo and The Parallel-Repeated Magic Square Game is RigidMatthew Coudron and Anand Natarajan
    • Simulated Quantum Annealing Can Be Exponentially Faster than Classical Simulated Annealing—Elizabeth Crosson and Aram Harrowmerged with Adiabatic Optimization Versus Diffusion Monte Carlo —Michael Jarret, Stephen Jordan, and Brad Lackey
    • Efficient quantum walk on the grid with multiple marked elementsPeter Høyer and Mojtaba Komeili merged with Controlled quantum amplification—Cătălin Dohotaru and Peter Høyer
    • Diagonal gates in the Clifford hierarchy—Shawn Cui, Daniel Gottesman, and Anirudh Krishna
    • Neural-Network Quantum States: Do Machines Dream of Schroedinger’s Cat?—Giuseppe Carleo and Matthias Troyer
    • Analytic and nearly optimal self-testing bounds for the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt and Mermin inequalities—Jedrzej Kaniewski
    • Geometric approach to entanglement quantification with polynomial measuresBartosz Regula and Gerardo Adesso
    • Informational content of compressed sensing measurements in quantum tomography—Amir Kalev, Charles Baldwin, Robert Kosut, and Ivan Deutsch
    • Continuous-variable quantum network coding using coherent states—Ke Li, Tao Shang, Gang Du, and Jianwei Liu
    • Fundamental limitation on quantum broadcast networks—Stefan Baeuml and Koji Azuma
    • Entangled Cloning of Stabilizer Codes and Free Fermions—Timothy Hsieh
    • Topological Order and Memory Time in Marginally Self-Correcting Quantum Memory—Karthik Siva and Beni Yoshida
    • Approximating local observables on projected entangled pair statesMartin Schwarz, Oliver Buerschaper, and Jens Eisert
    • Time and Space Efficient Quantum Algorithms for Detecting Cycles and Testing Bipartiteness—Christopher Cade, Ashley Montanaro, and Aleksandrs Belovs
    • Privacy Amplification Against Active Quantum Adversaries—Gil Cohen and Thomas Vidick
    • Entanglement of approximate quantum strategies in XOR games—Dimiter Ostrev and Thomas Vidick
    • More Randomness from a Prepare-and-Measure Scenario with Independent Devices—Yun-Guang Han, Zhen-Qiang Yin, Hong-Wei Li, Wei Chen, Shuang Wang, Guang-Can Guo, and Zheng-Fu Han
    • Quantum Secret Broadcast for Wireless Quantum Networks—Gang Du, Tao Shang, Ke Li, and Jianwei Liu
    • The weakness of CTC qubits and the power of approximate countingRyan O’Donnell and A.C. Cem Say
    • Multipartite Entanglement in Stabilizer Tensor Networks—Sepehr Nezami and Michael Walter
    • Orientation Statistics and Quantum Information—Kevin Schultz
    • Should entanglement measures be monogamous or faithful?—Cécilia Lancien, Marco Piani, Andreas Winter, Sara Di Martino, Gerardo Adesso, and Marcus Huber
    • Pointer Quantum PCPs and Multi-Prover Games—Alex Bredariol Grilo, Iordanis Kerenidis, and Attila Pereszlenyi
    • Conditional Mutual Information of Bipartite Unitaries and Scrambling—Dawei Ding, Michael Walter and Patrick Hayden
    • Optimal quantum networks and one-shot entropies—Daniel Ebler and Giulio Chiribella
    • A Four-Round LOCC Protocol Outperforms All Two-Round Protocols in Reducing the Entanglement Cost for A Distributed Quantum Information Processing—Eyuri Wakakuwa, Akihito Soeda, and Mio Murao
    • Size-Driven Quantum Phase Transitions—Johannes Bausch, Toby Cubitt, Angelo Lucia, David Perez-Garcia, and Michael M. Wolf
    • Clean quantum and classical communication protocols—Harry Buhrman, Matthias Christandl, Chris Perry, and Jeroen Zuiddam
    • A sufficient set of gates for thermodynamics—Chris Perry, Piotr Cwiklinski, Janet Anders, Michal Horodecki, and Jonathan Oppenheim
    • Irreconcilable Difference Between Quantum Walks and Adiabatic Quantum ComputingThomas Wong and David Meyer
    • The complexity of estimating local physical quantitiesSevag Gharibian and Justin Yirka
    • Quantum processes which do not use coherence—Benjamin Yadin, Jiajun Ma, Davide Girolami, Mile Gu, and Vlatko Vedral
    • Degradable states and one-way entanglement distillationFelix Leditzky, Nilanjana Datta, and Graeme Smith
    • A theory of resource destruction—Zi-Wen Liu, Xueyuan Hu, and Seth Lloyd
    • Relative Entropy Bounds on Quantum, Private and Repeater Capacities—Alexander Müller-Hermes and Matthias Christandl
    • No energy transport without discord—Seth Lloyd, Vazrik Chiloyan, Yongjie Hu, Samuel Huberman, Zi-Wen Liu, and Gang Chen
    • Sufficiency of quantum channels and equality in the data processing inequality for the sandwiched Rényi divergenceAnna Jenčová, Felix Leditzky, Cambyse Rouzé, and Nilanjana Datta
    • Hamiltonian Simulation with Optimal Sample ComplexityShelby Kimmel, Cedric Yen-Yu Lin, Guang Hao Low, Maris Ozols, and Theodore Yoder
    • The additive classical capacity of quantum channels assisted by noisy entanglement—Quntao Zhuang, Yechao Zhu, and Peter Shor
    • Local Decoders in the 4D Toric Code—Nikolas Breuckmann, Barbara Terhal, Kasper Duivenvoorden, and Dominik Michels
    • Tripartite-to-Bipartite Entanglement Transformation by SLOCC and the Classification of Matrix Spaces—Yinan Li, Youming Qiao, Xin Wang, and Runyao Duan
    • Monogamy relation in no-disturbance theories—Zhih-Ahn Jia, Yuchun Wu, and Guang-Can Guo
    • Quantum homomorphic signature with repeatable verification—Tao Shang, Zhuang Pei, Ke Li, and Jianwei Liu
    • Theory of the quantum internetKoji Azuma, Akihiro Mizutani, Hoi-Kwong Lo, and Go Kato
    • Chaos in quantum channels—Pavan Hosur, Xiao-Liang Qi, Dan Roberts, and Beni Yoshida
    • Efficient implementation of Quantum circuits with limited qubit interactions—Steve Brierley
    • Decomposition of Quantum Markov Chains and Zero-error Capacity—Ji Guan, Yuan Feng, and Mingsheng Ying
    • No fixed point guarantee of Nash equilibrium in quantum gamesFaisal Shah Khan and Travis Humble
    • Simple, near-optimal quantum protocols for die-rollingJamie Sikora
    • Device-independent tests of time-like correlations—Michele Dall’Arno, Sarah Brandsen, Francesco Buscemi, and Vlatko Vedral
    • Achieving quantum supremacy with sparse and noisy commuting quantum computationsMichael Bremner, Ashley Montanaro, and Dan Shepherd
    • No-Hypersignaling as a Physical Principle—Michele Dall’Arno, Sarah Brandsen, Alessandro Tosini, Francesco Buscemi, and Vlatko Vedral
    • Robust Bell inequalities from communication complexity—Sophie Laplante, Mathieu Laurière, Alexandre Nolin, Jérémie Roland, and Gabriel Senno
    • Optimal Circuit-Level Decoding for Surface Codes—Bettina Heim, Krysta M. Svore, and Matthew B. Hastings
    • Modernizing Quantum Annealing—Nicholas Chancellor
    • Constructing Mutually Unbiased Bases from Quantum Latin SquaresBenjamin Musto
    • Fundamental energy cost for quantum measurementDavid Reeb, Kais Abdelkhalek, and Yoshifumi Nakata
    • Span Programs, Formula Evaluation, and Graph ConnectivityStacey Jeffery and Shelby Kimmel
    • Explaining quantum correlations through evolution of causal models—Robin Harper, Robert Chapman, Chris Ferrie, Christopher Granade, Richard Kueng, Daniel Naoumenko, Steven Flammia, and Alberto Peruzzo
    • Monotonicity of quantum relative entropies under positive maps and their sufficiencyDavid Reeb and Alexander Müller-Hermes
    • Fully general device-independence for two-party cryptography and position verification—Jérémy Ribeiro, Gláucia Murta, and Stephanie Wehner
    • Constructing orthonormal bases to distinguish all pure states in finite dimensional—Yu Wang and Yun Shang
    • Pretty good measures in quantum information theory—Raban Iten, Joseph M. Renes, and David Sutter
    • Schur complement inequalities for covariance matrices and monogamy of quantum correlations—Ludovico Lami, Christoph Hirche, Gerardo Adesso, and Andreas Winter
    • Efficient simulation of sparse Markovian quantum dynamicsAndrew Childs and Tongyang Li
    • Computing quopit Clifford circuit amplitudes via sum-over-paths—Dax Koh, Mark Penney and Robert Spekkens
    • Limits on the storage of quantum information in a volume of space—Steven Flammia, Jeongwan Haah, Michael Kastoryano, and Isaac Kim
    • On SZK and PostBQPAdam Bouland, Lijie Chen, Dhiraj Holden, Justin Thaler, and Prashant Nalini Vasudevan
    • Markovian Marginals—Isaac Kim
    • Further extensions of Clifford circuits and their classical simulation complexities—Dax Koh
    • Quantum Circuits for Quantum Channels—Raban Iten, Roger Colbeck, and Matthias Christandl
    • Quantum Tokens for Digital Signatures—Shalev Ben-David and Or Sattath
    • Shortcuts to quantum network routing—Eddie Schoute, Laura Mancinska, Tanvirul Islam, Iordanis Kerenidis, and Stephanie Wehner
    • Asymmetric de Finetti Theorem for Infinite-dimensional Quantum Systems—Murphy Yuezhen Niu
    • Universal Refocusing and an Inverse-Free Solovay-Kitaev Theorem—Imdad Sardharwalla, Toby Cubitt, Aram Harrow, and Noah Linden
    • Efficient unitary designs with nearly time-independent Hamiltonian dynamics—Yoshifumi Nakata, Christoph Hirche, Masato Koashi, and Andreas Winter
    • Test for a large amount of entanglement, using few measurementsRui Chao, Ben Reichardt, Chris Sutherland, and Thomas Vidick
    • Simulating positive-operator-valued measures with projective measurements—Michal Oszmaniec, Leonardo Guerini, Peter Wittek, and Antonio Acin
    • Recent progress in integrated development environments for hybrid classical-quantum computing workflows—Kathleen Hamilton, Travis Humble, Keith Britt, Alexander McCaskey, Jonathan Schrock, and Neena Imam
    • Information Topologies on Non-Commutative State SpacesStephan Weis
    • Determining the computational power of symmetry protected topological phases—David Stephen, Dongsheng Wang, Abhishodh Prakash, Tzu-Chieh Wei, and Robert Raussendorf
    • Discrimination power of a quantum detector—Christoph Hirche, Masahito Hayashi, Emilio Bagan, and John Calsamiglia
    • Compatibility in Multiparameter Quantum Metrology—Sammy Ragy, Rafał Demkowicz-Dobrzański, and Marcin Jarzyna
    • RANDOM QUANTUM CORRELATIONS ARE GENERICALLY NON-CLASSICAL—Carlos Gonzalez-Guillen, Cécilia Lancien, Carlos Palazuelos, and Ignacio Villanueva
    • A wave function approach to gradient density estimation using the higher dimensional stationary phase approximation—Karthik Gurumoorthy, Anand Rangarajan, and John Corring
    • A Neural Decoder for Topological Codes—Giacomo Torlai and Roger Melko
    • Fixed-Point Adiabatic Quantum Search—Alexander Dalzell, Theodore Yoder, and Isaac Chuang
    • The Complexity of Translationally-Invariant Low-Dimensional Spin Lattices in 3D—Johannes Bausch and Stephen Piddock
    • Two Topos Interpretations for Measurement Based Quantum Computations—Raouf Dridi and Leon Loveridge
    • Product states can be hard to distinguish locally—Sarah Croke and Stephen Barnett
    • The Computational Complexity of Ball PermutationsScott Aaronson, Adam Bouland, Greg Kuperberg, and Saeed Mehraban
    • Fast State Transfer and Entanglement Renormalization Using Long-Range Interactions—Zachary Eldredge, Zhe-Xuan Gong, Ali Hamed Mosavian, Michael Foss-Feig, and Alexey Gorshkov
    • Increasing the quantum UNSAT penalty of the circuit-to-Hamiltonian construction—Johannes Bausch and Elizabeth Crosson
    • Relativistic (or 2-prover 1-round) zero-knowledge protocol for NP secure against quantum adversaries—André Chailloux and Anthony Leverrier
    • Autonomous quantum machines and finite sized clocks—Mischa Woods, Ralph Silva, and Jonathan Oppenheim
    • Tensor-network simulations of the surface code under realistic noise—Andrew Darmawan and David Poulin
    • Certified randomness is both local and globalCarl Miller and Yaoyun Shi
    • Hardness of traversing the ground space of commuting HamiltoniansDavid Gosset, Jenish C. Mehta, and Thomas Vidick
    • Quantum hashing is secure against classical leakage—Cupjin Huang and Yaoyun Shi
    • Bounding the costs of quantum simulation of many-body physics in real space—Ian Kivlichan, Nathan Wiebe, Ryan Babbush, and Alán Aspuru-Guzik
    • The coherent relative entropy: a new parent entropy measure—Philippe Faist and Renato Renner
    • Device-independent characterizations of the quantum state in a Bell experiment—Zhaohui Wei and Jamie Sikora
    • Hamiltonian Realizations of New Topological Phases of Matter in Three Spatial Dimensions—Dominic Williamson and Zhenghan Wang
    • Equivalence between contextuality and negativity of the Wigner function for qudits—Nicolas Delfosse, Cihan Okay, Juan Bermejo-Vega, Dan Browne, and Robert Raussendorf
    • A linear-time benchmarking tool for generalized surface codes—Nicolas Delfosse, Pavithran Iyer, and David Poulin
    • Measurement-based linear optics—Rafael Alexander, Natasha Gabay, Peter Rohde, and Nicolas Menicucci
    • Generalized surface codes and packing of logical qubits—Nicolas Delfosse, Pavithran Iyer, and David Poulin
    • Chaos and complexity by designDan Roberts and Beni Yoshida
    • Quantum Error Correction of Reference Frame Information—Sepehr Nezami, Patrick Hayden, and Grant Salton
    • Do objective results typically appear in quantum measurements?—Piotr Cwiklinski, Jaroslaw Korbicz, Edgar Aguilar, and Pawel Horodecki
    • Error regions in quantum state tomography: computational complexity caused by the geometry of quantum states—Daniel Suess, Łukasz Rudnicki, Thiago O. Maciel, and David Gross
    • High-Rate Fault-Tolerant Quantum Measurement and Nearly Good Sparse Quantum CodesJonathan Shi
    • Quantum algorithm for multivariate polynomial interpolationJianxin Chen, Andrew Childs, and Shih-Han Hung
    • Efficient quantum algorithms for simulating Lindblad evolution—Richard Cleve and Chunhao Wang
    • Refinement and Properties of the Sphere-Packing Bound for Classical-Quantum Channels—Hao-Chung Cheng, Min-Hsiu Hsieh, and Marco Tomamichel
    • The Clifford group fails gracefully to be a unitary 4-design (with applications to state distinguishability, entropic uncertainties, and phase retrieval)—Huangjun Zhu, Richard Kueng, Markus Grassl, and David Gross
    • Extended Learning Graphs for Triangle Finding—Titouan Carette, Mathieu Lauriere, and Frederic Magniez
    • Linear Optical Proofs for the Hardness of Matrix Permanents—Daniel Grier and Luke Schaeffer
    • Simulating large quantum circuits on a small quantum computerAram W. Harrow, Maris Ozols, Tianyi Peng, and Xiaodi Wu
    • Computational Notions of Quantum Min-Entropy—Yi-Hsiu Chen, Kai-Min Chung, Ching-Yi Lai, Salil Vadhan, and Xiaodi Wu
    • Sets of n-local correlations are semialgebraicDenis Rosset, Nicolas Gisin, Yeong-Cherng Liang, Rui-Yang You, and Elie Wolfe
    • Coherent Parity Check Construction for Quantum Error Correction—Dominic Horsman, Nicholas Chancellor, Stefan Zohren, and Aleks Kissinger
    • Quantum Graph Isomorphisms—Albert Atserias, Laura Mancinska, David Roberson, Robert Samal, Simone Severini, and Antonios Varvitsiotis
    • Entanglement-assisted capacities of compound quantum channels—Hrant Gharibyan, Mario Berta, and Michael Walter
    • Simulating classical waves in quantum logspaceStephen Jordan and Pedro Costa
    • Qudit quantum computation on matrix product states with global symmetry—Dongsheng Wang, David Stephen, and Robert Raussendorf
    • Quantum key distribution for composite dimensional finite systems—Mohamed Shalaby
    • Optimal distillation protocols for GHZ NLB—Talha Lateef
    • Capacities for Classes of Quantum Multiple Access Channels and Hadamard Broadcast Channels—Qingle Wang, Siddhartha Das, and Mark Wilde
    • Practical quantum metrology in noisy environments—Rosanna Nichols, Thomas Bromley, Luis Correa, and Gerardo Adesso
    • Thermalization and Return to Equilibrium on Finite Quantum Lattice Systems—Terry Farrelly, Fernando Brandao, and Marcus Cramer
    • Quantum no-encoding theorems and probabilistic transforming of quantum states with multiple goals—Mingxing Luo, Huiran Li, Hong Lai, and Xiaojun Wang
    • Approximate symmetries of HamiltoniansChristopher Chubb and Steven Flammia
    • Cooling-Assist adiabatic computationRoger Luo, Chao Xu, Yongjian Han, and Chuanfeng Li
    • Conditional mutual information and quantum steering—Eneet Kaur, Xiaoting Wang, and Mark M. Wilde
    • Classification of locally distinguishable and indistinguishable sets of generalized Bell states—Guojing Tian
    • Measuring the absence of coherent state—Sushamana Sharma and Rajshri Vyas
    • Quantum Walks via Quantum Cellular AutomataPedro Costa, Renato Portugal, and Fernado de Melo
    • Operator Locality in Quantum Simulation of Fermionic Models—Vojtech Havlicek, Matthias Troyer, and James Whitfield
    • Trace distance: A measure of quantumness—Manju Bhatt, Natasha Awasthi, and Umesh Chandra Johri
    • Graph-Associated Entanglement Cost of Multipartite State in Exact and Finite-Block-Length Approximate Construction—Hayata Yamasaki, Akihito Soeda, and Mio Murao
    • Asymptotic Convertibility of Entanglement: A General Approach to Entanglement Concentration and Dilution—Yong Jiao, Eyuri Wakakuwa, and Tomohiro Ogawa
    • On the Effect of Coherence of Noise in Quantum Error Correction—Yasunari Suzuki, Keisuke Fujii, and Masato Koashi
    • Robust Relativistic Bit Commitment—Kaushik Chakraborty, André Chailloux, and Anthony Leverrier
    • Quantum Digital-to-Analog Converters—Dave Chapman
    • Valley qubits in graphene for quantum computing and communications—Yu-Shu Wu, Ning-Yuan Lue, Ming-Jay Yang, and Neil Na
    • Single-photon quantum non-locality: violation of CHSH inequality using feasible measurement setups—Su-Yong Lee, Jiyong Park, Jaewan Kim, and Changsuk Noh
    • Effects of measurement dependence on generalized CHSH-Bell test in the single-run and multiple-run scenarios—Dan-Dan Li, Yu-Qian Zhou, Fei Gao, Xin-Hui Li, and Qiao-Yan Wen
    • Quantum resource theory of non-stabilizer states in the one-shot regime—Hoan Dang, Mehdi Ahmadi, Gilad Gour, and Barry Sanders
    • Correlations between non-commuting observables—Marek Wajs, Dagomir Kaszlikowski, Pawel Kurzynski, and Junghee Ryu
    • Entanglement area law for long-range interacting systems—Zhexuan Gong
    • Pseudo-Density Matrix Formulation of Quantum Field Theory—Tian Zhang and Vlatko Vedral
    • Skew information conversion to and extraction from local quantum uncertainty—Liang Qiu, Yu Guo, and Barry Sanders
    • An Optimal Discrimination of Two Mixed Qubit States with a Fixed Rate of Inconclusive Results—Younghun Kwon, Donghoon Ha, and Jihwan Kim
    • QInfer: Statistical inference software for quantum applicationsChristopher Granade, Chris Ferrie, Ian Hincks, Steven Casagrande, Thomas Alexander, Jonathan Gross, Michal Kononeko, and Yuval Sanders
    • Optimization of Lattice Surgery is hard—Daniel Herr, Franco Nori, and Simon Devitt
    • Randomized benchmarking in measurement-based quantum computing—Rafael Alexander, Peter Turner, and Stephen Bartlett
    • Quantum input-output algorithm for quantum systems with limited controllability—Ryosuke Sakai, Akihito Soeda, and Mio Murao
    • Topological One-Way Quantum Computation with the GKP Code States using Highly-Reliable Post-Selected Measurement—Kosuke Fukui, Akihisa Tomita, and Atsushi Okamoto
    • More randomness certification for any entangled two-qubit states underdevice-independentYu-Kun Wang, Su-Juan Qin, and Fei Gao
    • Security Analysis of Stochastic Routing Scheme in Grid-Shaped Partially-Trusted Relay Quantum Key Distribution Network—Xingtong Liu, Jian Wang, and Ruilin Li
    • Software-defined Quantum Network Switching—Ronald Sadlier, Brian Williams, Travis Humble, and Venkateswara Dasari
    • Parameterized Query Complexity in Quantum ComputationRobert Benkoczi, Saurya Das, Daya Gaur, Shahadat Hossain, and Parijat Purohit
    • Quantum algorithms for Gibbs sampling and hitting-time estimation—Anirban Narayan Chowdhury, and Rolando Somma
    • Bipartite entanglement under symmetryMark Girard and Gilad Gour
    • Detecting Topological Order with Ribbon OperatorsJacob C Bridgeman, Steven T Flammia, and David Poulin
    • Efficient Fault-Tolerant Conversion between the Steane and Reed-Muller Quantum Codes—Dongxiao Quan, Changxing Pei, and Barry C. Sanders
    • Discrepancies between Asymptotic and Exact Spectral Gap Analyses of Quantum Adiabatic Barrier Tunneling—Lucas Brady and Wim Van Dam
    • Locality Preserving Logical Gates in Topological Stabiliser Codes—Paul Webster and Stephen D. Bartlett
    • Properties of a [7,1,3] Non-CSS Stabilizer Code—Muyuan Li, Mauricio Gutierrez, Kenneth Brown, and Andrew Cross
    • Lower bounds on the size of semi-quantum automata—Lvzhou Li and Daowen Qiu
    • Tunable excitation spectrum in quantum double models—Anna Komar and Olivier Landon-Cardinal
    • Optimal control for time-dependent quantum metrology—Shengshi Pang and Andrew Jordan
    • The Non-coherence-generating Channels—Xueyuan Hu
    • Minimal control power of the controlled dense coding—Changhun Oh, Hoyong Kim, Kabgyun Jeong, and Hyunseok Jeong
    • Completely Positive Semidefinite Rank—Anupam Prakash, Jamie Sikora, Antonios Varvitsiotis, and Zhaohui Wei
    • An Equivalence Between EPR-Steering and Bell Nonlocality for Two Qubits—Parth Girdhar and Eric G. Cavalcanti
    • Capacity of a quantum memory channel correlated by matrix product statesJaideep Mulherkar and V Sunitha
    • Quantum Laplacian Eigenmap—Yiming Huang and Xiaoyu Li
    • Exact controllization of unitary operation with fractional queries—Qingxiuxiong Dong, Shojun Nakayama, Akihito Soeda, and Mio Murao
    • Can one quantum bit separate any pair of words with zero-error?—Aleksandrs Belovs, Juan Andres Montoya, and Abuzer Yakaryilmaz
    • Information Reconciliation for QKD in WDM-PON Access Networks—Suhwang Jeong and Jeongseok Ha
    • Hamiltonian ComputationNicholas Chancellor, James G. Morley, Sougato Bose, Andrew Daley, and Viv Kendon
    • Optimal discrimination of pure states in the single-qubit regime—Graeme Weir, Stephen Barnett, and Sarah Croke
    • Lower bounds for quantum solvers for SDPs and LPs—Joran van Apeldoorn, Andras Gilyen, Sander Gribling, and Ronald de Wolf
    • One-sided Measurement-Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution—Wen-Fei Cao, Yi-Zheng Zhen, Yu-Lin Zheng, Valerio Scarani, Li Li, Zeng-Bing Chen, Nai-Le Liu, Kai Chen and Jian-Wei Pan
    • Performance of QAOA on Typical Instances of Constraint Satisfaction Problems with Bounded Degree—Yechao Zhu and Cedric Yen-Yu Lin
    • Transversal Clifford gates on folded surface codes—Jonathan Moussa
    • Modeling the Surface 17 with Ion Traps—Colin Trout, Muyuan Li, Mauricio Gutierrez, and Kenneth Brown
    • Hierarchy of Universal Entanglement in 2D Measurement-based Quantum Computation—Jacob Miller and Akimasa Miyake
    • Resource reflecting functor and its application to non-uniformity—Robin Cockett, Gilad Gour, Barry C. Sanders, and Priyaa Varshinee Srinivasan
    • Commutator bounds for product formulasAndrew Childs, Dmitri Maslov, Neil Ross, and Yuan Su
    • Thresholds for universal concatenated quantum codes—Christopher Chamberland, Tomas Jochym-O’Connor, and Raymond Laflamme
    • Quantum-Entangled Interactions Under Unknown Circumstances—Dmitry Kravchenko
    • Efficient Optimized Quantum Control for Adiabatic Quantum Computation—Gregory Quiroz
    • Performance of Hyperbolic Surface Codes—Nikolas Breuckmann, Anirudh Krishna, and Barbara Terhal
    • On the Hierarchy for k-Round Quantum Automata Communication ProtocolKamil Khadiev and Aliya Khadieva
    • Fast Mixing with Quantum Walks vs. Classical Processes—Simon Apers, Alain Sarlette, and Francesco Ticozzi
    • Unity-Efficiency Parametric Down-Conversion via Amplitude Amplification and its Application in GHZ State Preparation—Murphy Yuezhen Niu, Jeffrey H. Shapiro, Barry Sanders, and Franco Wong
    • Versatile lattice code surgery—Christophe Vuillot and Barbara Terhal
    • Quantum Circuits Synthesis Using Lattices Over Number Fields—Sebastian Schoennenbeck and Vadym Kliuchnikov
    • Thermal Operations under Partial Information – An operational derivation of Jaynes’ Principle—Paul Boes, Rodrigo Gallego, Henrik Wilming, and Jens Eisert
    • Improvements on Color-to-Surface Code Switching—Ciaran Ryan-Anderson
    • Reducing runtimes in adiabatic quantum computation with Energy Landscape Manipulation (ELM)—Richard Tanburn, Oliver Lunt, and Nike Dattani
    • Pancharatnam Phase Deficit can Detect Macroscopic Entanglement—Namrata Shukla and Arun K Pati
    • Universal computation by multiparticle quantum walk with improved error bounds—Zak Webb
    • Spacetime Replication of Quantum Information Using (2,3) Quantum Secret Sharing and Teleportation—Yadong Wu, Abdullah Khalid, Masoud Habibi, and Barry Sanders
    • Scaling of Interferometric Baselines of Telescopic Arrays with Quantum Repeater Generations—Siddhartha Santra, Brian Kirby, Alejandra Maldonado-Trapp, and Michael Brodsky
    • Quantum Algorithm for Linear Differential Equations with Exponentially Improved Dependence on Precision—Dominic Berry, Andrew Childs, Aaron Ostrander, and Guoming Wang
    • Discord assisted dense coding with arbitrary two-qubit X-states—Alejandra Maldonado Trapp, Brian Kirby, Siddhartha Santra, Anzi Hu, Michael Brodsky, and Charles Clark
    • Divide and Conquer Approach for Quantum Hamiltonian SimulationStuart Hadfield and Anargyros Papageorgiou
    • Exact sampling hardness of Ising spin models—Bill Fefferman, Alexey Gorshkov, and Michael Foss-Feig
    • Complexity of sampling as an order parameter—Abhinav Deshpande, Bill Fefferman, Michael Foss-Feig, and Alexey Gorshkov
    • Some algorithmic applications of exceptional configurations in quantum walks—Alexander Rivosh, Nikolajs Nahimovs, and Dmitry Kravchenko
    • The Landscape of Quantum Artificial Intelligence ResearchOmar Shehab
    • Localization effects in the circuit model: an efficient exact calculation of the Lieb-Robinson commutator norm for general matchgate evolution—Adrian Chapman and Akimasa Miyake
    • Multi-mode multi-bosonic interference—Abdullah Khalid, Dylan Spivak, Barry Sanders, and Hubert de Guise
    • How to Determine the Quantum Fisher Information from Linear Response Theory—Tomohiro Shitara and Masahito Ueda
    • Entanglement from Topology in Chern-Simons TheoryGrant Salton, Michael Walter, and Brian Swingle
    • Discrimination of correlated and entangling quantum channels with selective process tomography—Eugene Dumitrescu and Travis Humble
    • Physical Correlations from Statistical Inference Bounds—Avishy Carmi, Eliahu Cohen, and Daniel Moskovich
    • Characterizations of promise problems with exact quantum query complexity—Daowen Qiu and Shenggen Zheng
    • Secure quantum cloud computing with practical verification—Yuki Takeuchi, Keisuke Fujii, Tomoyuki Morimae and Nobuyuki Imoto
    • Compression of identically prepared quantum systems—Yuxiang Yang, Giulio Chiribella, and Masahito Hayashi
  • Speakers:

    All talks will be recorded and posted on YouTube. Speakers will be asked to sign a release form to enable posting of the video. Talks should be 30 minutes in length. There will be an additional 5 minutes allocated for questions and answers, and five minutes to allow transition to the next speaker. All talks should use prepared slides. A projector will be available; there will not be a white board.

    Poster Presenters:

    Posters should be formatted to fit an assigned space 48 inches wide and 36 inches high. A board and fasteners will be available for displaying the poster. Posters must be prepared and printed by the presenter. Posters should be hung during the lunch prior to the assigned poster session and removed by the following morning’s coffee break. Poster session assignments will be announced in the next few weeks.

  • Committees