Seattle skyline
January 14, 2017 - January 20, 2017

Quantum Information Processing 2017 hosted by Microsoft Research

Location: Seattle, WA, USA


Saturday, January 14, 2017

Morning tutorial
Debugging the next generation of quantum devices
Steve Flammia
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Videos: Tutorial 1 (opens in new tab), Tutorial 2 (opens in new tab)

Afternoon tutorial
Quantum thermodynamics
Lídia del Rio
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Videos: Tutorial 1 (opens in new tab), Tutorial 2 (opens in new tab)

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Morning tutorial
Matrix product states and tensor networks
Norbert Schuch
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Videos: Tutorial 1 (opens in new tab), Tutorial 2 (opens in new tab)

Afternoon tutorial
Quantum information and spacetime
John Preskill
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Videos: Tutorial 1 (opens in new tab), Tutorial 2 (opens in new tab)

Monday, January 16, 2017


Welcoming address

Plenary talk I: Chair: Fang Song (Grand Ballroom I + II)
Quantum homomorphic encryption for polynomial-sized circuits (Best Student Paper)
Yfke Dulek, Christian Schaffner, and Florian Speelman
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Coffee break

Parallel session I-A: Chair: André Chailloux (Grand Ballroom I)

Zero-knowledge proof systems for QMA
Anne Broadbent, Zhengfeng Ji, Fang Song, and John Watrous
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Compression of quantum multi-prover interactive proofs
Zhengfeng Ji
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Sequential measurements, disturbance and property testing
Aram Harrow, Cedric Lin, and Ashley Montanaro
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Parallel session I-B: Chair: David Poulin (Grand Ballroom II)

Unifying gate-synthesis and magic state distillation
Earl Campbell and Mark Howard
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Application of a resource theory for magic states to fault-tolerant quantum computing
Mark Howard and Earl Campbell
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Time-correlated noise in quantum computation
Héctor Bombín
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Lunch break

Parallel session II-A: Chair: Jérémie Roland (Grand Ballroom I)

Separations in communication complexity using cheat sheets and information complexity
Anurag Anshu, Aleksandrs Belovs, Shalev Ben-David, Mika Göös, Rahul Jain, Robin Kothari, Troy Lee, and Miklos Santha
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Information-theoretic tools for interactive quantum protocols, and applications: flow of information, augmented index, and DYCK(2)
Mathieu Laurière, Ashwin Nayak, and Dave Touchette
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Parallel session II-B: Chair: Karol Horodecki (Grand Ballroom II

Energy as a detector of nonlocality of many-body spin systems
Jordi Tura Brugués, Gemma de Las Cuevas, Remigiusz Augusiak, Maciej Lewenstein, Antonio Acín, and Ignacio Cirac
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

A resource theory for work and heat
Carlo Sparaciari, Jonathan Oppenheim, and Tobias Fritz
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Coffee break + mentor sessions
Sign up for mentoring using available sheets.

Plenary talk II: Chair: Andrew Doherty (Grand Ballroom I + II)
The entanglement of distillation for gauge theories
Karel Van Acoleyen, Volkher Scholz, Michael Marien, Nick Bultinck, Jutho Haegemen, and Frank Verstraete
Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Poster session I: (Grand Ballroom III)
Hors d’Oeuvres and drinks will be provided. Vote for best poster using the tickets in your badge.

Software demo I: Will Zeng: Rigetti Computing (Grand Ballroom I + II)
Video (opens in new tab)

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Invited talk I: Chair: Peter Shor (Grand Ballroom I + II)
Simulating quantum systems on classical computers
Garnet Chan
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

(opens in new tab)10:00-10:30
Coffee break

(opens in new tab)10:30-12:30
Parallel session III-A: Chair: Aram Harrow (Grand Ballroom I)
(opens in new tab)

Quantum speed-ups for semidefinite programming
Fernando Brandao and Krysta Svore
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Quantum recommendation systems
Iordanis Kerenidis and Anupam Prakash
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

(opens in new tab)

A complete characterization of unitary quantum space
Bill Fefferman and Cedric Yen-Yu Lin
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Parallel session III-B: Chair: Todd Brun (Grand Ballroom II)
(opens in new tab)

Belief propagation decoding of quantum channels by passing quantum messages
Joseph M. Renes
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) |     Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

(opens in new tab)

Biunitary constructions in quantum information
David Reutter and Jamie Vicary
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Catalytic Decoupling
Christian Majenz, Mario Berta, Frédéric Dupuis, Renato Renner, and Matthias Christandl,
merged with:
Deconstruction and conditional erasure of quantum correlations
Mario Berta, Fernando Brandao, Christian Majenz, and Mark Wilde
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

(opens in new tab)12:30-2:00
Lunch break

Parallel session IV-A: (Grand Ballroom I, Chair: Xiaodi Wu)
(opens in new tab)

Asymptotic entanglement manipulation under PPT operations: new SDP bounds and irreversibility
Xin Wang and Runyao Duan
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

(opens in new tab)

Operator scaling and applications
Ankit Garg, Leonid Gurvits, Rafael Oliveira, and Avi Wigderson
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Parallel session IV-B: (Grand Ballroom II, Chair: Miklos Santha)
(opens in new tab)

Optimal quantum sample complexity of learning algorithms
Srinivasan Arunachalam and Ronald de Wolf
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Efficient quantum walk on the grid with multiple marked elements
Peter Høyer and Mojtaba Komeili
merged with:
Controlled quantum amplification
Cătălin Dohotaru and Peter Høyer
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

(opens in new tab)3:20-3:50
Coffee break + mentor sessions (sign up for mentoring using available sheets)

(opens in new tab)Invited talk II: Chair: Jonathan Oppenheim (Grand Ballroom I + II)
Racing classical computers with quantum boson-sampling machines
Chaoyang Lu
Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

(opens in new tab)Poster session II: (Grand Ballroom III)
Hors d’Oeuvres and drinks will be provided. Vote for best poster using the tickets in your badge.

Software demo II: (Grand Ballroom I + II)
Dave Wecker: Microsoft LIQUi|>
Video (opens in new tab)

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Plenary talk III: Chair: Fernando Brandao (Grand Ballroom I + II)
From quantum thermodynamical identities to a second law equality
Alvaro Alhambra, Jonathan Oppenheim, Chris Perry, and Lluis Masanes
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Group photo
Follow the crowd! We’d love to have you in that picture!

(opens in new tab)10:00-10:20
Coffee break

Parallel session V-A: Chair: Robert Raussendorf (Grand Ballroom I)
(opens in new tab)

Fault-tolerant error correction for non-abelian anyons
Guillaume Dauphinais and David Poulin
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

(opens in new tab)

Anyons and matrix product operator algebras
Nick Bultinck, Michael Marien, Dominic Williamson, Mehmet Burak Sahinoglu, Jutho Haegeman, and Frank Verstraete
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

(opens in new tab)Parallel session V-B: Chair: Thomas Vidick (Grand Ballroom II)

A parallel repetition theorem for all entangled games
Henry Yuen
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Limitations of semidefinite programs for separable states and entangled games
Aram Harrow, Anand Natarajan, and Xiaodi Wu
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

(opens in new tab)Coffee break

Parallel session VI-A: Chair: Omar Fawzi (Grand Ballroom I)
(opens in new tab)

Applications of recoverability in quantum information
Alvaro Alhambra, Mario Berta, Francesco Buscemi, Siddhartha Das, Marius Lemm, Seth Lloyd, Iman Marvian, Mark Wilde, Stephanie Wehner, and Mischa Woods
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

(opens in new tab)

Multivariate trace inequalities
David Sutter, Mario Berta, and Marco Tomamichel
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

(opens in new tab)Parallel session VI-B: Chair: Robin Kothari (Grand Ballroom II)

A polynomial time quantum algorithm for computing class groups and solving the principal ideal problem in arbitrary degree number fields
Jean-Francois Biasse and Fang Song
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Sculpting quantum speedups
Scott Aaronson and Shalev Ben-David
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

(opens in new tab)1:20-6:30
Free afternoon
Explore Seattle on your own or join one of the organized excursions by the QuArC team.

Conference dinner
At the Grand Ballroom on the fourth floor.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Invited talk III: Chair: Krysta Svore (Grand Ballroom I + II)
Spectrahedral lifts and quantum learning  
James Lee
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Video (opens in new tab)

(opens in new tab)10:00-10:30
Coffee break

(opens in new tab)Parallel session VII-A: (Grand Ballroom I, Chair: David Gosset)

Simulated quantum annealing can be exponentially faster than classical simulated annealing
Elizabeth Crosson and Aram Harrow
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)
merged with:
Adiabatic optimization versus diffusion Monte Carlo
Michael Jarret, Stephen Jordan, and Brad Lackey
Abstract and video (opens in new tab) (opens in new tab)

Optimal Hamiltonian simulation by quantum signal processing
Guang Hao Low and Isaac Chuang
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

(opens in new tab)

Rigorous RG algorithms and area laws for low energy eigenstates in 1D
Itai Arad, Zeph Landau, Umesh Vazirani, and Thomas Vidick
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

(opens in new tab)Parallel session VII-B: (Grand Ballroom II, Chair: Mark Wilde)

Round complexity in the local transformations of quantum and classical state
Eric Chitambar and Min-Hsiu Hsieh
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Optimal compression for identically prepared qubit states
Yuxiang Yang, Giulio Chiribella, and Masahito Hayashi
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Free time

(opens in new tab)12:30-2:00
Business lunch (Grand Ballroom I + II)
Boxed lunches will be provided.

(opens in new tab)2:00-4:00
Parallel session VIII-A: Chair: Nathan Wiebe (Grand Ballroom I)

Universal quantum Hamiltonians
Toby Cubitt, Ashley Montanaro, and Stephen Piddock

(opens in new tab)

Complexity of quantum impurity problems
Sergey Bravyi and David Gosset
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

(opens in new tab)

On preparing ground states of gapped Hamiltonians: an efficient quantum Lovász local lemma
Andras Gilyen and Or Sattath
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Parallel session VIII-B: Chair: Anthony Leverrier (Grand Ballroom II)
(opens in new tab)

Robust self-testing of many qubit states
Anand Natarajan and Thomas Vidick
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

(opens in new tab)

Overlapping qubits
Rui Chao, Ben Reichardt, Chris Sutherland and Thomas Vidick,
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)
merged with:
Parallel self-testing of (tilted) EPR pairs via copies of (tilted) CHSH
Andrea W. Coladangelo,
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)
merged with:
The parallel-repeated magic square game is rigid
Matthew Coudron and Anand Natarajan
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

General randomness amplification with non-signaling security
Kai-Min Chung, Yaoyun Shi, and Xiaodi Wu
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

(opens in new tab)4:00-4:30
Coffee break + mentor sessions (sign up for mentoring using available sheets)

Plenary talk IV: Chair: Joseph Renes (Grand Ballroom I + II)
Entropy accumulation in device-independent protocols
Rotem Arnon-Friedman, Frédéric Dupuis, Omar Fawzi, Renato Renner, and Thomas Vidick
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Free time
Time for a quick dinner and for transitioning to the Seattle Aquarium

Rump session at the Seattle Aquarium
Please submit your rump talk suggestions to Vadym Kliuchnikov! (

Friday, January 20, 2017

Plenary talk V: Chair: Andris Ambainis (Grand Ballroom I + II)
Tsirelson’s problem and an embedding theorem for groups arising from non-local games
William Slofstra
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

(opens in new tab)10:00-10:30  Coffee break

Parallel session IX-A: (Grand Ballroom I, Chair: Martin Roetteler)
(opens in new tab)

Characterizing quantum supremacy in near-term devices
Sergio Boixo, Sergei Isakov, Vadim Smelyanskiy, Ryan Babbush, Nan Ding, Zhang Jiang, Michael Bremner, John Martinis, and Hartmut Neven
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

(opens in new tab)

Threshold theorem for quantum supremacy
Keisuke Fujii
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

(opens in new tab)

Improved classical simulation of quantum circuits dominated by Clifford gates
Sergey Bravyi and David Gosset
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Parallel session IX-B: Chair: Stephen Bartlett (Grand Ballroom II)
(opens in new tab)

Gaussian optimizers in quantum information
Giacomo De Palma, Dario Trevisan, and Vittorio Giovannetti
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

(opens in new tab)

SU(p,q) coherent states and Gaussian de Finetti theorems
Anthony Leverrier
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Geometric inequalities and contractivity of bosonic semigroups
Nilanjana Datta, Stefan Huber, Robert König, Yan Pautrat, Cambyse Rouzé, and Anna Vershynina
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

(opens in new tab)12:30-2:00

Parallel session X-A: (Grand Ballroom I, Chair: Min-Hsiu Hsieh)
(opens in new tab)

Two-way assisted capacities for quantum and private communication
Stefano Pirandola, Riccardo Laurenza, Carlo Ottaviani, and Leonardo Banchi,
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)
merged with:
Converse bounds for private communication over quantum channels
(opens in new tab)Mark Wilde, Marco Tomamichel, and Mario Berta
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Capacity estimates for TRO channels
Li Gao, Marius Junge, and Nicholas Laracuente
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Video (opens in new tab)

(opens in new tab)

Semidefinite programming strong converse bounds for quantum channel capacities
Xin Wang, Wei Xie and Runyao Duan
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Parallel session X-B: Chair: Matthew Hastings (Grand Ballroom II)
(opens in new tab)

Finite correlation length implies efficient preparation of quantum thermal states
Michael Kastoryano and Fernando Brandao
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

(opens in new tab)

The thermality of quantum approximate Markov chains, with implications to the locality of edge states and entanglement spectrum
Kohtaro Kato and Fernando Brandao
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

Symmetry protected topological order at nonzero temperature
Sam Roberts, Beni Yoshida, Aleksander Kubica, and Stephen Bartlett
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)

(opens in new tab)4:00-4:30
Coffee break + mentor sessions (sign up for mentoring using available sheets)

Plenary talk VI: Chair: Ronald de Wolf (Grand Ballroom I + II)
Exponential separation between quantum communication complexity and classical information complexity
Anurag Anshu, Dave Touchette, Penghui Yao, and Nengkun Yu
Presentation slides (opens in new tab) | Abstract and video (opens in new tab)


Disclaimer: Speaker assignments are indicated by an underscored name. Unless requested differently by the authors, by default the first registered individual in the author list was assigned to be speaker. If a merged talk indicates more than one assigned speaker, the allotted time will be split equally among the presenters.