Workshop on Research Highlights in Programming Languages

Co-located with 40th IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS 2020 (opens in new tab))

09/11/2020: The schedule for the workshop is up. See the navigation tabs above. The workshop will take place online concurrent with the main FSTTCS conference.


The Indian Association for Research in Computing Science (IARCS) announces the inaugural Workshop on Research Highlights in Programming Languages. The workshop will take place online over 3 days concurrent with the main FSTTCS conference scheduled to be held Dec. 15 – Dec. 17 2020. The focus of the workshop will be on all areas of Programming Languages, including but not limited to program analysis and verification, applied formal methods, and compilers.

The objective of starting this workshop is to foster interactions between the attendees of the workshop, and more broadly between researchers working on programming languages and the traditional FSTTCS community of researchers working on theoretical computer science and formal methods. In the long term we hope that this will evolve into a regular conference or a track integrated with the FSTTCS conference.


Call for proposals:

We solicit talk proposals for recent work that has been published in good venues, or is mature in terms of approach and evaluation. The duration of each talk will be around 30 minutes. The proposal should highlight the novel research contribution, and its relevance to the target community.

Submit your proposals here: Submissions are now closed

Submission deadline : Wednesday 30 September 2020 (AoE)


Attending the Workshop:

There is no separate registration fees for the workshop. It will be open to all the attendees of FSTTCS.



Deepak D’Souza (Indian Institute of Science)

Uday P. Khedkar (Indian Institute of Technology – Bombay)

K. Narayan Kumar (Chennai Mathematical Institute)

K.V. Raghavan (Indian Institute of Science)

Aseem Rastogi (Microsoft Research, India)



Please contact Raghavan ( or Aseem ( if you have any questions.