June 1, 2005 - June 2, 2005

Self-Managing Networks Summit 2005

Location: Kirkland, WA, US

  • Speaker

    Tom Anderson, University of Washington, http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/tom/ (opens in new tab)


    Tom Anderson is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Washington. His research concerns the practical issues of constructing robust, secure, and efficient computer systems, most recently focused on internetworking.

  • Speaker

    Victor Bahl (opens in new tab), Microsoft Research


    Victor Bahl is a Senior Researcher and Manager of the Networking Research Group in Microsoft Research. His research interests span a variety of areas in wireless networking & mobile computing. Some of his seminal research includes: WiLIB (1997-1998), a general purpose programming interface for wireless network cards; RADAR (1998-1999), a signal strength based indoor user-location determination system; CHOICE (1999-2001), a edge-server based public area wireless hot-spot network, and UCOM (2001-2003), a multi-radio wireless system.

  • Speaker

    Hari Balakrishnan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, http://nms.csail.mit.edu/~hari/ (opens in new tab)


    Suppose we want an Internet that “never fails”. What exactly does that mean, and what would we have to do to achieve that goal? This talk will take a stab at these questions, and raise several others in the process. Some of these will be answered by the talk, but most of our effort will be in setting an agenda for this exacting task.


    Hari Balakrishnan studied at IIT Madras (B. Tech., ’93) and UC Berkeley (PhD, ’98). He is now an Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at MIT. His research interests are in networked computer systems; his recent and current projects include rcc (verifiable Internet routing), MONET (a multi-homed overlay network for improving network availability), IRIS (DHT protocols such as Chord and systems such as SFR and DOA based on “flat” names), Cricket (an accurate indoor location system, now commercially available), CarTel (a sensor computing system for automotive applications), Spam-I-am (spam control using quotas), and Medusa/Borealis (data stream processing).

    His honors include the ACM doctoral dissertation award, a Sloan Foundation Fellowship, an NSF CAREER Award, MIT’s Harold Edgerton Faculty Achievement Award, seven award-winning technical papers, and the IEEE Communication Society’s Bennett Prize.

  • Speaker

    Paul Barford, University of Wisconsin, http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~pb/ (opens in new tab)


    Network attacks and intrusions have been a fact of life in the Internet for many years and continue to present serious challenges for network researchers and operators alike. The objective of our work is to develop tools and systems that automate or otherwise enhance key activities of network security analysts. In the first part of this talk, I will describe our activities with dark address space monitoring using our Internet Sink (iSink) system. iSink is a highly scalable system that includes both passive packet capture capability and a set of active responders that enable details of exploits to be captured. Our results illustrate the variability in the traffic on dark address space and the feasibility of efficient classification and discrimination of attack types. I will also describe recent work that uses data from dark address space monitors to provide network “situational awareness” for security analysts.

    I will also describe our recent results in the area of automated signature generation for intrusion detection systems. We have developed a system we call Internet Sieve (iSieve) that automatically generates signatures from traces collected by dark address monitors. Our evaluation of these signatures shows that they result in a much lower false alarm rate than standard intrusion detection systems offering the potential for much greater utility in IDS and the possibility of truly autonomic intrusion detection. I will also describe our current efforts at deploying both iSink and iSieve on hardware that can be deployed throughout the Internet.


    Paul Barford received his BS in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana in 1985, and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Boston University in December, 2000. He is an Assistant Professor of computer science at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He is the founder and director of the Wisconsin Advanced Internet Laboratory and his research interests are in measurement, analysis and security of wide area networked systems and network protocols.

  • Speaker

    Christophe Diot, Intel Research Cambridge, http://cambridgeweb.cambridge.intel-research.net/people/cdiot/ (opens in new tab)


    The meshing of wireless LANs tries to take advantage of the diversity of access points and of the multiplicity of channels to increase the rate obtained by end users. This study proposes a self organization scheme that allows such a mesh to reach an optimal allocation of channels and access points for each user. The optimality is defined in terms of delay fairness. The self organization scheme is an avatar of the Gibbs sampler and is fully decentralized. We describe the technological requirements, the mathematical properties and the increase of performance of such a scheme within the 802.11 framework.


    Christophe Diot received a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from INP Grenoble in 1991. From 1993 to 1998, he was a research scientist at INRIA Sophia Antipolis, working on new Internet architecture and protocols. From 1998 to 2003, he created and led the IP research group at Sprint Advanced Technology Labs. In 2003, Diot moved to INTEL research in Cambridge, UK. His is active in the measurement community (with work on measuring wireless networks). However, his major interest is now on understanding how the Internet is gonna survive mobility and wireless technologies.

  • Speaker

    Paul Francis, Cornell University, http://www.cs.cornell.edu/People/francis/ (opens in new tab)


    Network Management is a mess: networks are managed by a hodge-podge of tools operated by Gurus. Networks are growing in size and complexity, including the networks in our homes, and the Guru model can’t keep pace. SNMP, the one standard tool produced by IETF (as an afterthought to the basic architecture) can’t even run until IP itself is up and running. Recently researchers at CMU and AT&T (and other places) proposed an exciting new fundamental architecture for network management called 4D. 4D provides a low-level routing substrate that runs immediately above the link layer that is used to discover physical topology and allow direct control of network equipment. We believe that 4D can be extended to also discover and control the logical topology of the network, essentially by discovering and controling the plumbing between drivers within hosts and network boxes. We believe that this can be done by programming into all drivers a small set of standard management primitives. The end result is a network that can be understood and managed (perhaps by automated tools) on the basis of measured reality.


    Paul has been a researcher in computer networking for going on 20 years now, in such organizations as MITRE, Bellcore, NTT Software Labs, and ACIRI. Within computer networking, Paul’s work has centered on routing and addressing, with a particular liking for problems having to do with large and self-configuring networks. Work in this vein extends from Landmark Routing, done in the late 80’s, through Yoid end-system (overlay) multicast (late 90’s), to recent work on unstructured P2P networks and more scalable end-system multicast. Notoriously, Paul is the inventer of NAT (demonstrating great originality, if not great prognosticative ability, judging from his bank account). Other innovations of Paul’s include shared-tree multicast, IDMaps host proximity service, shortcut routing (through large non-broadcast subnetworks), and the multiple-addresses approach to site multi-homing, which is the basis for scalable routing in IPv6. Paul has recently joined the faculty at Cornell University, where he is working on problems related to IP anycast services, IP-level defenses against DDoS, global Internet routing, overlay multicast, random node selection in P2P networks, the next generation of host proximity addressing, and network management.

  • Speaker

    Jawad Khaki, Corporate Vice President, Windows Networking & Devices, Microsoft, http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/exec/jawadk/default.asp (opens in new tab)


    In his position as corporate vice president of Windows Networking & Device Technologies at Microsoft Corp., Jawad Khaki is responsible for overseeing the development of those networking technologies in Microsoft Windows platforms. Khaki manages the group of engineers and business leaders dedicated to delivering integrated communication and device technologies that empower information workers and home users.

    Since the start of his career at Microsoft in 1989, Khaki has continued to focus his passion on always-available networks for Windows-based devices that empower people with information and make it easy to seamlessly work, play and communicate.

    Starting with Lan Manager, Khaki spearheaded the addition of dial-up networking, wireless networking and broadband infrastructure. He has since led the initiative to deliver information protocols, application program interfaces and core networking server components such as the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), RADIUS and virtual private networking (VPN) in the Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 platforms. These technologies provided the foundation for Windows-based wired, wireless and peer-to-peer networking experiences for IT professionals, information workers and home users.

    With more than 25 years of hardware and software design experience, as well as more than 700 U.S. patents filed under his management – over 400 in the United States and more than 300 patents in other countries – Khaki brings dedication and excitement to ensuring that Windows-based PCs and devices deliver innovative, relevant and superior experiences. Khaki is responsible for determining the networking and device strategy and advances in the next generation of Windows, code-named “Longhorn.”

    Among Khaki’s many achievements, he was appointed honorary professor by Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications in October 2003. He also contributes to his local community and was nationally recognized with the sixth annual Walter Cronkite Faith & Freedom Award by the Interfaith Alliance Foundation.

  • Speaker

    S. Keshav, University of Waterloo, Canada, http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/~keshav/ (opens in new tab)


    The efficient computation of approximate global state lies at the heart of several problems in massively distributed systems. Example include routing in the Internet, sensor fusion, search in peer-to-peer networks, and Top-K queries in stream-oriented databases. Algorithms that determine approximate global state enable near-optimal local decision-making with little overhead. In this work, I will discuss some natural settings where this problem arises, and some recent work on randomized algorithms that navigate a four-way tradeoff between accuracy, robustness, performance, and overhead.


    Keshav is an Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Tetherless Computing at the School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Canada. Earlier in his career has was a researcher at Bell Labs, an Associate Professor at Cornell, and a co-founder of Ensim Corporation, a Silicon Valley startup. He is the author of a widely used graduate textbook on computer networking and has been awarded the Director’s Gold Medal at IIT Delhi, the Sakrison Prize at UC Berkeley, and the Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship. His current interests are in infrastructural issues underlying tetherless computing. Keshav received a B.Tech from the Indian Institute of Delhi in 1986 and a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1991.

  • Speaker

    Bruce Maggs, Carnegie Mellon University, http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~bmm/ (opens in new tab)


    Bruce Maggs received the S.B., S.M., and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1985, 1986, and 1989, respectively. His advisor was Charles Leiserson. After spending one year as a Postdoctoral Associate at MIT, he worked as a Research Scientist at NEC Research Institute in Princeton from 1990 to 1993. In 1994, he moved to Carnegie Mellon, where he is now a Professor in the Computer Science Department. While on a two-year leave-of-absence from Carnegie Mellon, Maggs helped to launch Akamai Technologies, serving as its Vice President for Research and Development, before returning to Carnegie Mellon. He retains a part-time role at Akamai as Vice President for Research.

    Maggs’s research focuses on networks for parallel and distributed computing systems. In 1986, he became the first winner (with Charles Leiserson) of the Daniel L. Slotnick Award for Most Original Paper at the International Conference on Parallel Processing, and in 1994 he received an NSF National Young Investigator Award. He was co-chair of the 1993-1994 DIMACS Special Year on Massively Parallel Computation and has served on numerous program committees iuncluding SPAA, SODA, STOC, PODC, WWW, SIGCOMM, and IMC.

  • Speaker

    David A. Maltz, Carnegie Mellon University, http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~dmaltz/ (opens in new tab)


    Networks today are neither dependable nor robust infrastructure. In this talk, I will argue that a key part of the problem is the nature of the control and management planes that establish each network’s behavior. I will outline an alternative called the 4D architecture that redefines the problem space into one that is dramatically more tractable. The 4D architecture explicitly separates network logic from distributed systems issues by refactoring the network control system, leaving only a small set of minimal functionality on each router. All of the decision logic is removed from the routers and collected onto servers where the objectives for the network can be explicitly specified and used to directly control the network. Experimental evaluation of a prototype shows that the architecture is feasible and enables new capabilities missing from today’s networks.


    Dave Maltz will be joining MSR in September, where he will continue to explore the problems of creating ubiquitous and robust communication networks. He is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at Carnegie Mellon University working to simplify the control and management of complex networks. He is a co-leader of the 100×100 Project, which seeks to solve the problems that stand in the way of creating networks that can deliver 100 Mbps between all 100 Million American homes and businesses. In earlier work, he designed the Dynamic Source Routing Protocol for ad hoc networks and was the first employee of a start-up dedicated to creating a metro-area wireless access network. He founded a 20-person start-up creating traffic management systems for carrier and enterprise networks. He received his Ph.D. in 2001 from Carnegie Mellon University and his S.M. and S.B. degrees from MIT in 1994.

  • Speaker

    Vivek Pai, Princeton University, http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~vivek/ (opens in new tab)


    With the advent of PlanetLab, the opportunity for the average researcher to monitor a variety of network behavior from a number of vantage points has increased tremendously. I will briefly discuss the experiences we have had in the following areas: network path anomaly detection in PlanetSeer, detecting anomalous applications in CoMon, and relating our results with those obtained by other groups. Included in the discussion will be where to locate such monitoring, the feasibility of data sharing, and the utility of duplicated effort.


    Vivek Pai is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University. He works in the areas of server performance, content distribution, and wide-area networked systems, including anomaly detection

  • Speaker

    Lili Qiu, University of Texas at Austin, http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/lili/ (opens in new tab)


    NetQuest is a flexible framework for large-scale Internet measurement. We apply Bayesian experimental design to design measurement experiments that maximize the amount of information we gain about the network path properties subject to given resource constraints. We then apply inference techniques to reconstruct the information of interest based on the partial, indirect observations we get through these experiments. We further incorporate techniques for obtaining prior information to enhance the accuracy. Our framework can support a variety of design requirements, including (i) augmented design for conducting additional experiments given existing observation, (ii) differentiated design for providing better resolution to certain parts of the network, and (iii) joint design for supporting multiple users who are interested in different parts of network.


    Lili Qiu is an Assistant Professor at University of Texas at Austin. Before joining UT, she was a researcher at System & Networking Group in Microsoft Research. Her research interests are wireless networks, overlay networks, network measurement, and Web performance. She received MS and PhD degrees in computer science from Cornell University in 1999 and 2001, respectively.

  • Speaker

    Jennifer Rexford, Princeton University, http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~jrex/ (opens in new tab)


    Jennifer Rexford is a Professor in the Computer Science Department at Princeton University. Her research focuses on making data networks like the Internet easier to design, manage, and understand. From 1996 to 2004, Jennifer worked in the IP Network Measurement and Engineering department at AT&T Labs–Research. Along with several of her colleagues at AT&T, Jennifer designed tools for configuration management and traffic engineering that are in daily use in AT&T’s backbone network.

    In 2005, she received ACM’s Grace Murray Hopper Award for her research work on interdomain routing. Jennifer is chair of ACM SIGCOMM and is a member of the DARPA Information Science and Technology group and the technical advisory board of Arbor Networks. She is a senior member of the IEEE and is coauthor of the book “Web Protocols and Practice” (Addison-Wesley, 2001). Jennifer received her BSE degree in electrical engineering from Princeton University in 1991, and her MSE and PhD degrees in computer science and electrical engineering from the University of Michigan in 1993 and 1996, respectively.

  • Speaker

    Timothy Roscoe, Intel Research Berkeley, http://berkeley.intel-research.net/troscoe/ (opens in new tab)


    Timothy Roscoe received a PhD from the Computer Laboratory of the University of Cambridge, where he was a principal designer and builder of the Nemesis operating system, as well as working on the Wanda microkernel and Pandora multimedia system. After three years working at an Internet startup company in North Carolina, he worked as a researcher at Sprint’s Advanced Technology Lab in Burlingame, California, where he worked on application hosting platforms, networking monitoring, and assorted systems management and security problems. Mothy joined Intel Research at Berkeley in April 2002, where his work has been centered on PlanetLab: an open, shared platform for developing and deploying planetary-scale services. His current research interests include distributed query processing, network architecture, and high-performance operating systems.

  • Speaker

    Puneet Sharma, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Puneet_Sharma/ (opens in new tab)


    Estimation of network proximity among nodes is an important building block in several applications like service selection and composition, multicast tree formation, and overlay construction. In this talk we will first discuss an enchanced landmark-based scheme for network proximity estimation that is scalable, accurate and robust to bad measurements.

    Recently, scalable techniques have been proposed to estimate inter-node latencies, including network coordinate systems like GNP and Vivaldi. However, existing mechanisms for querying such information do not scale well to a very large number of nodes, when one wants to accurately find a set of nodes globally closest to a given node. In the second part of the talk we discuss research about distributing the position data among a set of infrastructure nodes, and propose ways of partitioning and querying this data.


    Puneet Sharma received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles in 1998. Prior to that he earned a B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. Currently, he is a Research Scientist at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, California. At HP labs he conducts research in Wireless and Mobile Networking, Overlay Network Services, Network Measurement and Monitoring.

  • Speaker

    Dave Thaler, Microsoft Corporation


    Historically, network management and diagnostics have tended to focus on helping network administrators manage networks and diagnose problems, but end users still rely on help desks and telephone support. Our work aims to ultimately reduce support calls and reduce the length of support calls that to occur by having end nodes diagnose problems as much as possible, and facilitate coordination between untrusted administrative entities in a structured way.


    Dave Thaler received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Michigan in 1998, on the topic of automating network diagnostics, including in the presence of mutually untrusted administrative entities. Dave has been an active participant in the IETF since 1995, having now served as a Working Group chair, a current member of the MIB Doctors group, and the author of 15 RFCs on network management, routing, IPv6, and multicast. At Microsoft, Dave led the effort to incorporate IPv6 into Windows XP, and then led the effort to re-architect the entire TCP/IP stack in Longhorn. He is now a Software Architect in the Windows Networking division, where he works on a variety of topics including network diagnostics and peer-to-peer protocols. He is an affiliate member of Microsoft Research.

  • Speaker

    David Wetherall, University of Washington, http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/djw/ (opens in new tab)


    David Wetherall is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington. He joined the faculty in 1999 after receiving his Ph.D. in computer science from MIT; he received his B.E. in electrical engineering from the University of Western Australia in 1989. Wetherall’s thesis research pioneered active networks, an architecture in which new network services can be introduced rapidly using mobile code. He is broadly interested in networks, distributed systems and operating systems, with an oerarching interest in how to best design network protocols. Wetherall received an NSF CAREER award in 2002 and became a Sloan Fellow in 2004.

  • Panelists

    • James Farricker, Technical Fellow & Chief Engineer, Enterprise Network Operations, Boeing
    • Craig Labovitz, Director of Engineering & Chief Architect, Arbor Networks
    • Sunjeev Pandey, Senior Director, Global Technology Services, Microsoft Corporation
    • Jonas Svensson, Supportability Program Manager, Consumer Windows Support Organization, Microsoft Corporation


    James Farricker is a Technical Fellow and Chief Engineer of Boeing’s Enterprise Network Organization. He is responsible for the overall technical integrity and engineering/design activities of the Boeing Enterprise Network, one of the largest and most complex intranets in the US. Farricker is recognized as an expert and innovator in the field of computing, network technologies and data communications, with extensive experience in building large TCP/IP Intranets, network protocols, wireless LANs, switching, and routing technologies. He is the current technical lead of the 7E7/787 Factory Architecture Project, technical focal for Boeing mergers and acquisitions, the lead network architect for CAS Flight Services for the Boeing e-Enabled project, International Space Station LAN network upgrade project, and support to Boeing subsidiaries and airlines in the design/engineering and deployment of worldwide computing and network infrastructure. Farricker has been an instructor at the University of Washington extension since 1986, where he has developed and taught a number of technical courses in the Network Engineering, Data Communications, Wireless Communications, Microcomputers & Networks, and Managing Network Operations Programs. Currently, he serves on the UW President’s Visiting Committee, Network Engineering/Data Communications, Wireless Communications, and Data and Internet Security Advisory Boards. He has taught undergraduate and graduate level courses in Computing Technology, Operating Systems and Data and Computer Networking.

    Craig Labovitz is Director of Engineering and chief architect of Arbor Networks’ service provider product set. Arbor Network provides distributed network anomaly detection and monitoring solutions to over 100 of the world’s largest Internet backbones. Before joining Arbor, Craig served as a research scientist at Microsoft Research and Merit Network, Inc. His research focus includes the security and fault-tolerance of large-scale distributed systems. He is well-known for several important early papers on Internet routing dynamics and reliability. While at Merit, Craig served as Director of the Research and Emerging Technologies group. His work at Merit included design and engineering on the NSFNet backbone and Routing Arbiter projects. Craig also served as the director of several large National Science Foundation network architecture and routing protocol research grants. Dr. Labovitz received his PhD. and MSE from the University of Michigan

    Sunjeev Pandey is a Senior Director in the Global Technology Services organization at Microsoft. He is responsible for Microsoft’s Windows based IT infrastructure and services. This includes services such as the domain controllers, DNS servers, WINS and DHCP servers, ISA proxies and firewalls, RADIUS, VPN, and TS. Sunjeev’s organization is responsible for the OS deployment and support for all the IT managed client machines worldwide as well as the management of the IPSec based perimeter that Microsoft IT has deployed. His organization is one of the key components in Microsoft IT’s focus on “dogfood” which partners with the development organizations and uses pre-released Microsoft products to run the enterprise. He has also worked in MSN as Group Director of Network Engineering managing the Internet connectivity for Microsoft’s Internet presence – including network support for sites such Microsoft.com and Windowsupdate.com Sunjeev holds a B.S. in Computer Science and in Applied Mathematics from the Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology.

    Jonas Svensson is a Supportability Program Manager in the Consumer Windows Support Organization. As an SPM, he works with partners, end users and developers to improve the supportability of Windows. Previous to that he was an Escalation Engineer in Consumer Windows Support. Before joining Microsoft in 2000, Jonas worked in technical support for Probusiness Services Inc. There he was responsible for support and maintenance of 200 end users and associated servers. He received a B.A. in Management of Information Systems from Washington State University in 1995 and has obtained several industry certifications including MCP, MCSA, CNA and CNE.