Vector Boston Skyline
November 4, 2018 - November 9, 2018

Microsoft @ SPLASH 2018 OOPSLA

Location: Boston, Massachusetts


Monday (October 5, 2018) & Wednesday (October 7, 2018) | 4:30 PM–7:30 PM | Georgian

Compositional Programming and Testing of Dynamic Distributed Systems

Ankush Desai, Amar Phanishayee, Shaz Qadeer, Sanjit Seshia

Reconciling High-level Optimizations and Low-level Code in LLVM

Juneyoung Lee, Chung-Kil Hur, Ralf Jung, Zhengyang Liu, John Regehr), Nuno P. Lopes

An Empirical Study of the Effect of Source-level Loop Transformations on Compiler Stability

Zhangxiaowen Gong, Zhi Chen, Justin Szaday, David Wong, Zehra Sura, Neftali Watkinson, Saeed Maleki, David Padua, Alexander Veidenbaum, Alexandru Nicolau, Josep Torrellas