June 13, 2010 - June 27, 2010

Summer School on Computing for Socio-Economic Development

Location: Bangalore, India

Sunday, June 13: Welcome to the summer school

0800 – 0900 Breakfast
0900 – 1030 Lecture Ed Cutrell Welcome and overview PDF
1030 – 1100 Tea/Coffee
1100 – 1230 Activity Ed Cutrell Introductions and icebreakers
1230 – 1400 Lunch
1400 – 1530 Exercise TEM staff Small-group discussion on goals of development

Monday, June 14: What is development?

0800 – 0900 Breakfast
0900 – 1030 Lecture Revi Sterling History of Development Theory and Practice PDF
1030 – 1100 Tea/Coffee
1100 – 1230 Exercise Aishwarya Ratan Development Practice Examined through Case Studies PDF

Readings: [1], Ch. 2 of [2]

1230 – 1400 Lunch
1400 – 1415 Lecture Jonathan Donner,
Aishwarya Ratan, Bill Thies
Overview of Field Activity PDF
1415 – 1800 Activity Students Field activity in small groups DOC

Tuesday, June 15: ICTs & development

0800 – 0900 Breakfast
0900 – 1030 Lecture Jonathan Donner Understanding Technology & Society through Mobile Phone Behaviors PDF

Reading: [1]

1030 – 1100 Tea/Coffee
1100 – 1230 Activity Michael Best Why Focus on ICTs for Development PDF
1230 – 1400 Lunch
1400 – 1530 Excercise Revi Sterling Informed Consent in ICTD Projects PDF
1530 – 1600 Tea/Coffee
1600 – 1730 Panel Ed Cutrell Panel on Informed Consent
(Michael Best, Revi Sterling, Jonathan Donner, Nimmi Rangaswamy)

Informed consent in ICTD projects

Wednesday, June 16: Projects in ICTD

0800 – 0900 Breakfast
0900 – 1030 Conference Talks Nimmi Rangaswamy Entrepreneurship and ICTD PDF
Revi Sterling Advancement through Interactive Radio PDF
Mike Best Impact of ICTs in Post-Conflict Liberia
1030 – 1100 Tea/Coffee
1100 – 1230 Conference Talks Saurabh Panjwani Secure and Usable Authentication for Mobile Banking PPT
Jonathan Donner Mobile Use by Micro and Small Enterprises PDF
1230 – 1400 Lunch
1400 – 1800 Field Activity Students Continuation of field activity

Thursday, June 17: Qualitative methods

0800 – 0900 Breakfast
0900 – 1030 Lectures Isha Ray Qualitative Methods & Social Science PDF

Reading: [1]

Nimmi Rangaswamy The Art of the Interview PDF

Reading: [2]

1030 – 1100 Tea/Coffee
1100 – 1230 Lectures Isha Ray Designing Surveys PDF
Nimmi Rangaswamy Conducting Ethnographies PDF
1230 – 1400 Lunch
1400 – 1730 Exercise Students Practice with Qualitative Methods

Friday, June 18: Design: What to build, why and how?

0800 – 0900 Breakfast
0900 – 1030 Lecture Tapan Parikh Development as Design PDF
1030 – 1100 Tea/Coffee
1100 – 1230 Lecture Indrani Medhi Design Challenges in Working with Low-literate Users PDF
1230 – 1400 Lunch
1400 – 1530 Lecture Tapan Parikh Techniques for working with NGOs and other field partners PDF
1530 – 1600 Tea/Coffee
1600 – 1800 Field Activity Students Continuation of field activity

Saturday, June 19: Understanding poor communities

0800 – 0900 Breakfast
0900 – 1030 Lecture Indrani Medhi A portrait of everyday life in a village PDF
1030 – 1100 Tea/Coffee
1100 – 1230 Lecture Geeta Menon Life in an urban slum
1230 – 1400 Lunch
1400 – 1800 Field Trip Indrani Medhi Guided tours of slum communities

Sunday, June 20: Rest Day

Monday, June 21: Projects in ICTD

0800 – 0900 Breakfast
0900 – 1030 Conference Talks Prof. Jamadagni You and Your Research PDF

Good Books to read

Ed Cutrell Intermediated Technology Use in Developing Communities PDF
1030 – 1100 Tea/Coffee
1100 – 1230 Conference Talks Yaw Anowka

Carl Hartung

Open Data Kit: Building Information Services for Low-Income Regions PDF
David Hutchful Cloze: An Authoring Tool for Teachers PDF
Bill Thies Interactive DVDs for Education
1230 – 1400 Lunch
1400 – 1530 Poster Session Students Poster presentations based on results from field activity
1530 – 1600 Tea/Coffee
1600 – 1800 Group Activity Students Research proposal preparation – session 1 PDF

Tuesday, June 22: Study methodologies, study design and evaluation issues

0800 – 0900 Breakfast
0900 – 1030 Lectures Aishwarya Ratan Quantitative Data Analysis PDF
Nimmi Rangaswamy Analyzing Qualitative Data PDF
1030 – 1100 Tea/Coffee
1100 – 1230 Lecture + Exercise Aishwarya Ratan Impact Evaluation PDF

Reading: [1]

1230 – 1400 Lunch
1400 – 1530 Lectures Ed Cutrell Fundamentals of User Studies PDF
Aishwarya Ratan Paper Discussion (The Digital Provide: Information Technology, Market Performance and Welfare in the South Indian Fisheries Sector)

Reading: [2]

1530 – 1600 Tea/Coffee
1600 – 1800 Activity All Movie & discussion

Wednesday, June 23: Pessimism & optimism in ICTD

0800 – 0900 Breakfast
0900 – 1030 Lecture Kentaro Toyama Ten Myths of ICTD PDF
1030 – 1100 Tea/Coffee
1100 – 1230 Lecture Rikin Gandhi The Digital Green Story PPSX
1230 – 1400 Lunch
1400 – 1530 Discussion Kentaro Toyama Paper discussion (What Constitutes Good ICTD Research)

Readings: [1], [2]

1530 – 1600 Tea/Coffee
1600 – 1800 Group Activity Students Research proposal preparation – session 2

Thursday, June 24: From government policy to development outcomes

0800 – 0900 Breakfast
0900 – 1030 Lecture Ashok Desai Economic policy and implications for technology and development PDF
1030 – 1100 Tea/Coffee
1100 – 1230 Lecture Joyojeet Pal Technology and Disability in the Developing World PDF
1230 – 1400 Lunch
1400 – 1530 Lecture Solomon Jaya Prakash Labournet PDF
1530 – 1600 Tea/Coffee
1600 – 1800 Panel Bill Thies Professional development advice on pursuing a research career
(Kentaro Toyama, Isha Ray, Joyojeet Pal, Solomon Jay Prakash, Ed Cutrell)

Friday, June 25: Beyond research

0800 – 0900 Breakfast
0900 – 1030 Lecture Sean Blagsvedt Sustaining development interventions beyond pilot phase—
the Babajob Case
1030 – 1100 Tea/Coffee
1100 – 1230 Lectures Rikin Gandhi Spinning Out: How hard can this be? PPSX
Kentaro Toyama Make it Memorable: A Presentation on Presentations PPT
1230 – 1400 Lunch
1400 – 1530 Short Presentations Students “Open mic” feedback session on students’ research projects
1530 – 1600 Tea/Coffee
1600 – 1800 Group Activity Students Research proposal preparation – session 3

Saturday, June 26: Professional development/conference day

1100 – 1230 Short Presentations Students Single-track, 5-minute presentation of research proposal
+ 5-minute Q&A per group
1230 – 1400 Lunch
1400 – 1530 Short Presentations Students Single-track, 5-minute presentation of research proposal
+ 5-minute Q&A per group

Sunday, June 27: Wrap up and farewell

0800 – 0900 Breakfast
0900 – 1030 Activity Group Feedback and Wrap-Up
1030 – 1100 Tea/Coffee
1100 – 1230 Lecture Ed Cutrell Open discussion
1230 – 1400 Lunch