a large building with a mountain in the background in Zürich, Switzerland
April 9, 2024 April 10, 2024

Swiss Joint Research Centre | Spring Workshop

Central European Time (UTC +1)

Location: Zürich, Switzerland

*agenda may be subject to change

Day 1 I April 9, 2024

Time CET (UTC+1)Agenda
11:00Welcome & Introductions
Evelyne Viegas, Microsoft
11:10Azure Research in Confidential Computing [Slides]
Cedric Fournet, Microsoft
11:40Software-Inspired Techniques for Digital Hardware Security
Flavien Solt, ETH Zurich
12:00Lunch Break
12:45Tyche: Rethinking Trust in Systems [Slides]
Charley Castes, EPFL
13:05Security Monitors on RISC-V
Mark Kuhne, ETH Zurich
13:25Protecting the ICRC on the Cloud
Ivan Puddu, ETH Zurich
13:45TRUST & PRIVACY – Swiss Perspective
Marc Holitscher, Microsoft
14:10Fundamentally Understanding DRAM Reliability & Enabling Fast and Secure Memory [Slides]
Giray Yaglikci, ETH Zurich
14:30Coffee Break (Foyer)
15:15Generation of a synthetic dataset for learning physics-based optimal inference of 4D flow MRI
Pietro Dirix, ETH Zurich
15:35Accelerating Foundation Models Research
Evelyne Viegas, Microsoft
16:00Invariant Federated Learning: Decentralized Training of Robust Privacy-Preserving Models
Valentin Hartmann, EPFL
16:20Close Day 1
Evelyne Viegas, Microsoft
18:00Dinner, L´Oro di Napoli

Day 2 I April 10, 2024

Time CET (UTC+1)Agenda
9:00Welcome & Introductions
Evelyne Viegas, Microsoft
9:10Transforming the Natural Sciences with AI
Bonnie Kruft, Microsoft
09:35Neural Quantum States for Electronic Structure of materials
Gabriel Pescia, EPFL
10:00Modeling Retrosynthesis with Markov Bridges [Slides]
Arne Scheuing, EPFL
10:20Probabilistic Data Structures in Adversarial Settings
Mia Filic, ETH Zurich [Slides]
10:40Coffee Break (Foyer)
11:00Collaborative Human Robot Motion Planning with Mixed Reality
Florian Kennel-Maushart, ETH Zurich
11:20Smart Controllable Models (SCM) [Slides]
Gherardi Benoît Valentin, Friedrich Wilke Grosche, Zen Wei, EPFL
11:40Digitalization of Clothed Humans with Expressive Behaviors from Videos [Slides]
Chen Guo, ETH Zurich
12:00Mixed Reality for Shared Autonomy
Mike Allenspach, ETH Zurich
12:20Intelligent Software Adaptation to Improve Wellbeing and Optimize Cognition using Ubiquitous Non-Contact Physiological and Behavioural Sensing
Björn Braun, ETH Zurich
12:40EPFL Smart Kitchen: Platform to analyze natural human motion [Slides]
Haozhe Qi, EPFL
13:00Close & Thanks
Evelyne Viegas, Microsoft