a man sitting in front of a laptop
December 8, 2015

Think Computer Science 2015

Location: Imperial War Museum Duxford

Steve_HodgesEngineering the Future

Steve Hodges
Research Manager/Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research

Steve Hodges leads the Sensors and Devices group at Microsoft Research Cambridge, where his research has three goals; to create compelling interactive experiences for users based on new and emerging technologies, to introduce new devices and types of interaction into the market and ultimately to change people’s perceptions of technology and how it can be used.

Since receiving a BBC Micro as a child, Steve has been hooked on how computer science can shape our future. He has recently played an integral part in the development of the new BBC Micro:bit, which will be the focus of his opening talk at the 12th annual Think Computer Science event.


Philip_Bielby_JagexComputer Games: The Evolution of Fun

Philip Bielby
Technical Director, RuneScape

Gaming has come a long way over the past couple of decades. The increasing bandwidth and availability of the internet have changed how we deliver games to players, and devices such as mobile phones and tablets have changed the very nature of the games that people spend their time playing. How are new technologies going to change the way we play games in the future? Philip Bielby, Technical Director on RuneScape at Jagex will discuss where gaming has come from, as well as looking forward to some of the exciting new possibilities that are emerging for computer gaming.


mark_callejaHacker is Not a Dirty Word

Mark Calleja
Co-founder of HackLab

HackLab is a Cambridge ‘tech-ed’ startup, created to deliver exciting and engaging holiday camps, workshops and in-school events teaching students how to harness the power of technology by understanding how it works from the inside; enabling them to create, rather than merely consume the technology around us. During his talk, Mark will explain why hacking is a good thing, and why we should all be encouraged to embrace our inner hacker – by taking charge of the different technologies we use every day to create solutions and overcome obstacles.