August 1, 1997 - August 3, 1997

Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) ’97

Location: Providence, Rhode Island, USA

Thursday, July 31

Time Session
Conference and Course Registration

Friday, August 1

Time Session
Main Conference Registration

Opening Remarks
Dan Geiger and Prakash P. Shenoy


Invited talk I: Local Computation Algorithms
Steffen L. Lauritzen

Invited talk II: Coding Theory and Probability Propagation in Loopy Bayesian Networks
Robert J. McEliece

Plenary Session I: Modeling

  • Object-Oriented Bayesian Networks
    (winner of the best student paper award)
    Daphne Koller and Avi Pfeffer
  • Problem-Focused Incremental Elicitation of Multi-Attribute Utility Models
    Vu Ha and Peter Haddawy
  • Representing Aggregate Belief through the Competitive Equilibrium of a Securities Market
    David M. Pennock and Michael P. Wellman

Plenary Session II: Learning & Clustering

  • A Bayesian Approach to Learning Bayesian Networks with Local Structure
    David Maxwell Chickering, David Heckerman, and Chris Meek
  • Batch and On-line Parameter Estimation in Bayesian Networks
    Eric Bauer, Daphne Koller, and Yoram Singer
  • Sequential Update of Bayesian Networks Structure
    Nir Friedman and Moises Goldszmidt
  • An Information-Theoretic Analysis of Hard and Soft Assignment Methods for Clustering
    Michael Kearns, Yishay Mansour, and Andrew Ng
Poster Session I: Overview Presentations
Poster Session I

  • Algorithms for Learning Decomposable Models and Chordal Graphs
    Luis M. de Campos and Juan F. Huete
  • Defining Explanation in Probabilistic Systems
    Urszula Chajewska and Joseph Y. Halpern
  • Exploring Parallelism in Learning Belief Networks
    T. Chu and Yang Xiang
  • Efficient Induction of Finite State Automata
    Matthew S. Collins and Jonathon J. Oliver
  • A Scheme for Approximating Probabilistic Inference
    Rina Dechter and Irina Rish
  • Limitations of Skeptical Default Reasoning
    Jens Doerpmund
  • The Complexity of Plan Existence and Evaluation in Probabilistic Domains
    Judy Goldsmith, Michael L. Littman, and Martin Mundhenk
  • Learning Bayesian Nets that Perform Well
    Russell Greiner, Dale Schuurmans, and Adam Grove
  • Model Selection for Bayesian-Network Classifiers
    David Heckerman and Christopher Meek
  • Time-Critical Action: Representations and Application
    Eric Horvitz and Adam Seiver
  • Composition of Probability Measures on Finite Spaces
    Radim Jirousek
  • Computational Advantages of Relevance Reasoning in Bayesian Belief Networks
    Yan Lin and Marek J. Druzdzel
  • Support and Plausibility Degrees in Generalized Functional Models
    Paul-Andre Monney
  • On Stable Multi-Agent Behavior in Face of Uncertainty
    Moshe Tennenholtz
  • Cost-Sharing in Bayesian Knowledge Bases
    Solomon Eyal Shimony, Carmel Domshlak and Eugene Santos Jr.
  • Independence of Causal Influence and Clique Tree Propagation
    Nevin L. Zhang and Li Yan

Saturday, August 2

Time Session

Invited talk III: Genetic Linkage Analysis
Alejandro A. Schaffer



Plenary Session III: Markov Decision Processes

  • Model Reduction Techniques for Computing Approximately Optimal Solutions for Markov Decision Processes
    Thomas Dean, Robert Givan and Sonia Leach
  • Incremental Pruning: A Simple, Fast, Exact Algorithm for Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes
    Anthony Cassandra, Michael L. Littman and Nevin L. Zhang
  • Region-based Approximations for Planing in Stochastic Domains
    Nevin L. Zhang and Wenju Liu



Panel Discussion




Plenary Session IV: Foundations

  • Two Senses of Utility Independence
    Yoav Shoham
  • Probability Update: Conditioning vs. Cross-Entropy
    Adam J. Grove and Joseph Y. Halpern
  • Probabilistic Acceptance
    Henry E. Kyburg Jr.

Poster Session II: Overview Presentations


Poster Session II

  • Network Fragments: Representing Knowledge for Probabilistic Models
    Kathryn Blackmond Laskey and Suzanne M. Mahoney
  • Correlated Action Effects in Decision Theoretic Regression
    Craig Boutilier
  • A Standard Approach for Optimizing Belief-Network Inference
    Adnan Darwiche and Gregory Provan
  • Myopic Value of Information for Influence Diagrams
    Soren L. Dittmer and Finn V. Jensen
  • Algorithm Portfolio Design Theory vs. Practice
    Carla P. Gomes and Bart Selman
  • Learning Belief Networks in Domains with Recursively Embedded Pseudo Independent Submodels
    J. Hu and Yang Xiang
  • Relational Bayesian Networks
    Manfred Jaeger
  • A Target Classification Decision Aid
    Todd Michael Mansell
  • Structure and Parameter Learning for Causal Independence and Causal Interactions Models
    Christopher Meek and David Heckerman
  • An Investigation into the Cognitive Processing of Causal Knowledge
    Richard E. Neapolitan, Scott B. Morris, and Doug Cork
  • Learning Bayesian Networks from Incomplete Databases
    Marco Ramoni and Paola Sebastiani
  • Incremental Map Generation by Low Cost Robots Based on Possibility/Necessity Grids
    M. Lopez Sanchez, R. Lopez de Mantaras, and C. Sierra
  • Sequential Thresholds: Evolving Context of Default Extensions
    Choh Man Teng
  • Score and Information for Recursive Exponential Models with Incomplete Data
    Bo Thiesson
  • Fast Value Iteration for Goal-Directed Markov Decision Processes
    Nevin L. Zhang and Weihong Zhang


UAI ’97 Dinner Banquet

How I Became Uncertain
Eugene Charniak

Sunday, August 3

Time Session


Invited talk IV: Gaussian processes – a replacement for supervised neural networks?
David J.C. MacKay


Plenary Session V: Applications of Uncertain Reasoning

  • Bayes Networks for Sonar Sensor Fusion
    Ami Berler and Solomon Eyal Shimony
  • Image Segmentation in Video Sequences: A Probabilistic Approach
    Nir Friedman and Stuart Russell
  • Lexical Access for Speech Understanding using Minimum Message Length Encoding
    Ian Thomas, Ingrid Zukerman, Bhavani Raskutti, Jonathan Oliver, David Albrecht
  • Perception, Attention, and Resources: A Decision-Theoretic Approach to Graphics Rendering
    Eric Horvitz and Jed Lengyel




Panel Discussion




Plenary Session VI: Developments in Belief and Possibility

  • Decision-making under Ordinal Preferences and Comparative Uncertainty
    D. Dubois, H. Fargier, and H. Prade
  • Inference with Idempotent Valuations
    Luis D. Hernandez and Serafin Moral
  • Corporate Evidential Decision Making in Performance Prediction Domains
    A.G. Buchner, W. Dubitzky, A. Schuster, P. Lopes P.G. O’Donoghue, J.G. Hughes, D.A. Bell, K. Adamson, J.A. White, J. Anderson, M.D. Mulvenna
  • Exploiting Uncertain and Temporal Information in Correlation
    John Bigham



Plenary Session VII: Topics on Inference

  • Nonuniform Dynamic Discretization in Hybrid Networks
    Alexander V. Kozlov and Daphne Koller
  • Robustness Analysis of Bayesian Networks with Local Convex Sets of Distributions
    Fabio Cozman
  • Structured Arc Reversal and Simulation of Dynamic Probabilistic Networks
    Adrian Y. W. Cheuk and Craig Boutilier
  • Nested Junction Trees
    Uffe Kjaerulff