Portrait de Apurva Gandhi

Apurva Gandhi

Senior Machine Learning Scientist

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À propos

I am a Senior Machine Learning Scientist in the Office AI Science Team working on Microsoft and M365 Copilot. I also often collaborate with the Gray Systems Lab (GSL) (opens in new tab). My work has received the Best Demonstration Award at VLDB 2022.

A lot of my current and recent work focuses on program synthesis, planning and tool use with LLMs for Microsoft Copilot.

I am the author and lead developer of the Office Domain Specific Language (ODSL) framework which is an LLM-based program synthesis framework used to power natural language commanding across Copilot in M365 apps: Natural Language Commanding via Program Synthesis. (opens in new tab)

With GSL, I collaborate on the Tensor Query Processor to bring machine learning closer to SQL query processing by bringing tensor framework tools such as automatic differentiation and multimodal data processing to SQL.

Prior to Office AI, I was part of Microsoft’s rotational AI program (MAIDAP (opens in new tab)), where I had the opportunity to collaborate with many teams across Microsoft and also external partners such as the U.S. Olympic Committee for surfing video analysis. (opens in new tab)

I graduated from the University of Southern California with a M.S. in Electrical Engineering focused on Machine Learning and a B.S. in Computer Engineering and Computer Science.