Portrait de Evelyne Viegas

Evelyne Viegas

Technical Advisor - Research Explorations

Activités professionnelles

  • Conference Chair

    Workshop Organizer

    • Challenges in Machine Learning (CiML) at NIPS 2016, NIPS workshop, December 9, 2016, Isabelle Guyon, UPSud/INRIA, U. Paris-Saclay and ChaLearn, Sergio Escalera, U. Barcelona and ChaLearn, Ben Hamner, Kaggle, and Balazs Kegl, CNRS, U. Paris-Saclay and ChaLearn
    • The Edge of Artificial Intelligence, Microsoft Research Faculty Sumit, July 15, 2016, Program Chair
    • Artificial Intelligence Summit, Microsoft Research TechFest Workshop, March 11, 2016, co-organized with Christopher Bishop, Eric Horvitz, Pushmeet Kohli, Yu-Ting Kuo, Tie-Yan Liu, Geoffrey Zweig
    • Challenges in Machine Learning (CiML) at NIPS 2015, NIPS workshop, December 12, 2015, Isabelle Guyon, UPSud/INRIA, U. Paris-Saclay and ChaLearn, Sergio Escalera, U. Barcelona and ChaLearn, Ben Hamner, Kaggle, and Balazs Kegl, CNRS, U. Paris-Saclay and ChaLearn
    • CodaLab for Data-Driven Research (opens in new tab) – Learn, Share and Collaborate (opens in new tab), Microsoft Research Faculty Summit, July 16, 2014 co-organized by Isabelle Guyon, ChaLearn; Percy Liang, Stanford University; Simon Mercer, Microsoft Research; Evelyne Viegas, Microsoft Research.
    • Data-Centric Programming (opens in new tab), POPL, San Diego, January 25, 2014; co-organized by Judith Bishop, Microsoft Research; Jeremy Gibbons, University of Oxford; Erik Meijer, Applied Duality; Evelyne Viegas, Microsoft Research
    • Data Driven Functional Programming (opens in new tab), POPL, Rome, Italy, January 22, 2013; co-organized by Judith Bishop, Microsoft Research; Karin Breitman, EMC Labs; Evelyne Viegas, Microsoft Research
    •  First Workshop on Programming the Semantic Web (opens in new tab), ISWC, Boston, MA, US, November 11, 2012; co-organized by Karin Breitman, EMC Labs; Steffen Staab, University of Koblenz-Landau; Evelyne Viegas, Microsoft Research; Jan Vitek, Purdue University
    • Spelling Alteration for Web Search Workshop (opens in new tab), City Center – Bellevue, WA. July 19, 2011; co-organized by Evelyne Viegas, Microsoft Research; Jianfeng Gao, Microsoft Research; Kuansan Wang, Microsoft Research; Jan Pedersen, Microsoft
    • SIGIR 2010 Web N-gram Workshop (opens in new tab), Geneva, Switzerland, July 23, 2010; co-organized by Chengxiang Zhai, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; David Yarowsky, Johns Hopkins University; Evelyne Viegas, Microsoft Research; Kuansan Wang, Microsoft Research; Stephan Vogel, Carnegie Mellon University
    • Workshop (opens in new tab) on Confidential Data Collection for Innovation Analysis in Organizations 2009 (opens in new tab), Redmond, Sept 6-7, 2009; co-organized by Nick Bloom, Stanford University; Isabel Cruz, University of Illinois at Chicago; Christian Schunn, University of Pittsburgh; Evelyne Viegas, Microsoft Research. Sponsored by National Science Foundation
    • Beyond Search – Semantic Computing and Internet Economics 2009 Workshop (opens in new tab), Redmond, June 10-11, 2009; co-organized by Evelyne Viegas, Microsoft Research and Ewa Dominowska, OSD – Bing. Sponsored by External Research and OSD-Bing
    • WSDM 2009 Web Search Click Data 2009 (opens in new tab), Barcelona, Spain, Feb 8, 2009; co-organized by Nick Craswell, Microsoft; Rosie Jones, Yahoo! Labs; Georges Dupret, Yahoo! Labs; Evelyne Viegas, Microsoft Research. Sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

    Programme Committee Member, Reviewer

    • Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
    • Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)
    • Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING): 2014
    • Grace Hopper Conference (GHC): Data Science track (2014)
    • International/European Semantic Web Conference (ISWC/ESWC)
    • Journal of Web Semantics
    • Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC)
    • National Science Foundation (NSF)
    • World Wide Web Conference (WWW)
  • Journal Articles and Papers

    • Escalante, H.J., Guyon, I., Escalera, S., Jaques Jr., J., Baro, X., Viegas, E., Gucluturk, Y., Guclu, U., van Gerven, M.A.J., van Lier, R., Madadi M. and S. Ayache (2017) Design of an Explainable Machine Learning Challenge for Video Interviews, Proceedings of 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), IJCNN2017, Anchorage, Alaska, May 14-19, 2017.
    • Baró, X., Escalera, S., Guyon, I., Jacques Junior, J C.S., Romazco, L., Sun, L., Treguer, S., and E. Viegas (2016) Coopetitions in machine learning: case studies, Challenges in Machine Learning: Gaming and Education, NIPS workshop, 2016.
    • Guyon, I., Bennett, K., Cawley, G., Escalante, H.J., Escalera, S., Ho, T.K., Macia, N., Ray, B., Statnikov, A. and E. Viegas (2015) Design of the 2015 ChaLearn AutoML Challenge. Proceedings of the 2015 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN2015, Killarney, Ireland, July 12-17, pp. 3442–3449, IEEE, 2015.
    • Guyon, I., Bennett, K., Cawley, G., Escalante, H.J., Escalera, S., Ho, T.K., Macia, N., Ray, B., Saed, M., Statnikov, A. and E. Viegas (2015) AutoML Challenge: Design and First Results, ICML AutoML workshop, 2015.
    • Viegas, E. (2013) Codalab: a new service for data exchange, code execution, benchmarks and reproducible research (opens in new tab) in Workshop on Causality at the Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS’13)
    • Ganesan, K., Zhai, C. and E. Viegas (2012) Micropinion Generation: An Unsupervised Approach to Generating Ultra-Concise Summaries of Opinions (opens in new tab), In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW ’12)
    • Li, H., Xu, G., Croft, W.B., Bendersky, M., Wang, Z. and E. Viegas (2012) QRU-1: A Public Dataset for Promoting Query Representation and Understanding Research (opens in new tab), In Proceedings of the Workshop on Web Search Click Data,” (WSCD’12)
    • Kodeswaran, P. and E. Viegas (2010) “Towards A Privacy Preserving Policy Based Infrastructure for Social Data Access To Enable Scientific Research,” Policy 2010
    • Syed, Z. and E. Viegas (2010) A Hybrid Approach to Unsupervised Relation Discovery Based on Linguistic Analysis and Semantic Typing (opens in new tab) In Proceedings of NAACL-HLT, Los Angeles, CA, June 1-6, 2010
    • Wang, K., Thrasher, C., Viegas, E., Li, X. and P. Hsu (2010) An Overview of Microsoft Web N-gram Corpus and Applications (opens in new tab) In Proceedings of NAACL-HLT, Los Angeles, CA, June 1-6, 2010
    • Syed, Z., Viegas, E. and S. Parastatidis (2010) Automatic Discovery of Semantic Relations using MindNet (opens in new tab) In Proceedings of Language Resources Evaluation Conference, Malta, May 17-23, 2010.
    • Parastatidis, S., Viegas, E. and T. Hey (2010) A ‘Smart’ Cyberinfrastructure for Research – A view of semantic computing and its role in research. (opens in new tab) Communications of the ACM, Vol. 52 No. 12, Pages 33-37
    • Kodeswaran, P. and E. Viegas (2009) Applying Differential Privacy to Search Queries in a Policy Based Interactive Framework (opens in new tab) In Proceedings of The 18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Hong Kong, China, Nov 2-6, 2009
    • Craswell N., Jones R., Dupret G., Viegas E. (2009) ACM Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Web Search Click Data (opens in new tab). ISBN: 978-1-60558-434-8
    • Viegas, E. (2000) The Propagation of Core Lexicons Using Online Langauge Resources with Savoir-Faire. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics.
    • Viegas, E. (1999) The Manifesto of Large-scale Semantic Lexicon Acquisition. Traitement Automatique des Lan gues, Special Issue on Multilingual Processing, Vol 40.1., 27-53.
    • Viegas, E. (1999) Le choix lexical en generation multilingue: du bon usage de la semantique computationnelle. In the Proceedings of Generation Automatique de Textes, Universite Stendhal, Grenoble, France.
    • Viegas, E., Jin, W. and S. Beale (1999) A Knowledge-Based Approach for Chinese – English Translations. In the Proceedings of Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium ‘99, Beijing, China.
    • Viegas, E. (1999) Developing Knowledge Bases for MT with Linguistically Motivated Quality-Based Learning. In the Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit VII,
    • Viegas, E., Jin, W. and S. Beale (1999) Using Computational Semantics for Chinese Translations. In the Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit VII,
    • Viegas, E., Jin, W. and S. Beale (1999) Long Time No See: Overt Semantics for Machine Translation. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation, Chester, UK.
    • Viegas, E. (1999) An Overt Semantics with a Machine-guided Approach for Robust LKBs. In the Proceedings of SIGLEX99 Standardizing Lexical Resources, as part of ACL99, University of Maryland.
    • Jin, W., Viegas, E. and A. Ruelas (1999) Building A Chinese Computational Semantic Lexicon. In the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Machine Translation and Computer Language Information Processing, Beijing, China.
    • Viegas, E., Ruelas, A., Lonergan, J., Longwell, J., Beale, S. and S. Nirenburg (1999) Developing a Large-scale Semantic LKB to Suit an Intelligent Planner. In Proceedings of the 7th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation. Toulouse, France.
    • Viegas, E. (1998) Multilinguality and Genericity in Syntagmatic Relations. In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Multilingualily in the Lexicon, as part of the 13th European Conference in Artificial Intelligence, Brighton, UK, 54-59.
    • Viegas, E. (1998) Multilingual Computational Semantic Lexicons in Action: The WYSINNWYG Approach to NLP. In Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1321-1327.
    • Viegas, E., Beale, S. and S. Nirenburg (1998) The Computational Lexical Semantics of Syntagmatic Relations. In Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1328-1332.
    • Viegas, E. and R. Zajac (1998) Inheritance and Genericity in a Multilingual Lexical Knowledge Base. In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Lexical Semantics Systems, Pisa, Italy.
    • Viegas, E., Ruelas, A., Beale, S. and S. Nirenburg (1998) Extending a Core Lexicon Using On-line Language Resources with Savoir-Faire. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Granada, Spain, 97-104.
    • Viegas, E., Nirenburg, E., Onyshkevych, B. and V. Raskin (1998) A Cost-Effective Approach to Multilingual Lexicon Acquisition. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Minimizing the Effort for Language Resource Acquisition, Granada, Spain.
    • Viegas, E., Jin, W., Dolan, R. and S. Beale (1998). Representation and Processing of Chinese Nominals and Compounds. In Proceedings of The Computational Treatment of Nominals, as part of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Ass Qciation for Computational Linguistics et the 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
    • Beale, S., Nirenburg, S., Viegas, E. and L. Wanner (1998) De-Constraining Text Generation. In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Niagara on the Lake, Ontario, Canada, 48-57.
    • Viegas, E. (1997) Mismatches and divergences: the continuum perspective. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation, Santa Fe, NM, 216-224.
    • Beale, S., Viegas, E. and S. Nirenburg (1997) Breaking Down Barriers: The Mikrokosmos Generator. In Proceedings of the Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium, Phuket, Thailand, 14 1-146.
    • Mahesh, K., Nirenburg, S., Beale, S., Viegas, E., Raskin, V. and B. Onyshkevych (1997) Word sense disambiguation: why statistics when we have these numbers? In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation, Santa Fe, NM, 15 1-159.
    • Viegas, E., Onyshkevych, B., Raskin, V. and S. Nirenburg (1996) From Submit to Submitted via Submission: on Lexical Rules in Large-scale Lexicon Acquisition. In Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Santa Cruz, CA, 32-39.
    • Viegas, E. (1996) Towards the Reinterpretation of Static Knowledge Sources as Dynamic Ones. In Breadth and Depth of Semantic Lexicons, Proceedings of a Workshop Sponsored by the Special Interest Group on the Lexicon of the Association for Computational Linguistics, University of California, Santa Cruz, California, USA, June 28, 1996. Viegas, E., Nirenburg, S., Onyshkevych, B., Ostler, N., Raskin, V. and A. Sanfihippo, Eds.
    • Viegas, E. (1996) Breadth and Depth of Semantic LexiconsIntroduction – Notes on the Workshop. In Breadth and Depth of Semantic Lexicons, Proceedings of a Workshop Sponsored by the Special Interest Group on the Lexicon of the Association for Computational Linguistics, University of California, Santa Cruz, California, USA, June 28, 1996. Viegas, E., Nirenburg, S., Onyshkevych, B., Ostler, N., Raskin, V. and A. Sanfihippo, Eds.
    • Viegas, E., Mahesh, K. and S. Nirenburg (1996) Semantics in Action. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Predicative Forms in Natural Language and in Lexical Knowledge Bases, Toulouse, France, 108-114.
    • Viegas, E. and S. Beale (1996) Multilinguality and Reversibility in Computational Semantic Lexicons. In Proceedings of the 8th International Natural Language Generation Workshop, Sussex, England, 49-52.
    • Beale, S. and E. Viegas (1996) Intelligent Planning meets Intelligent Planners. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Gaps and Bridges: New Directions in Planning and Natural Language Generation, European Conference in Artificial Intelligence, Budapest, 59-64.
    • Nirenburg, S., Beale, S., Helmreich, S., Mahesh, K., Viegas, E. and R. Zajac (1996) Two principles and six techniques for rapid MT development. In Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, 96-105.
    • Nirenburg, S., Beale, S., Mahesh, K., Onyshkevych, B., Raskin, V., Viegas, E., Wilks, Y. and R. Zajac (1996) Lexicons in the MikroKosmos Project. In Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence and System Behaviour, University of Sussex, Brighton, England, 26-33.
    • Nirenburg, S., Mahesh, K., Viegas, E., Beale, S., Raskin, V. and B. Onyshkevych (1996) Technological and Conceptual Tools for Lexical Knowledge Acquisition. In Proceedings of DIALOG UE-96, Moscow, Russia.
    • Viegas, E. and S. Nirenburg (1996) The Ecology of Lexical Acquisition: Computational Lexicon Making Process. In Proceedings of Euralex96, Goteberg University, Sweden, 489-496.
    • Tutin, A. and E. Viegas (1996) Generating Coreferential Anaphoric Definite NPs. In Proceedings of Discourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution Colloquium, Lancaster University, England.
    • Viegas, E. and S. Nirenburg (1995) The Semantic Recovery of Event Ellipsis: its Computational Treatment. In Proceedings of the Workshop Context in Natural Language Processing, of the 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 155-163.
    • Viegas, E. and S. Nirenburg (1995) Acquisition semiautomatique du lexique. In Proceedings of Quatriemes Journees scientfiques de Lyon, Lexicologie Langage Terminologie, Lyon 95, France.
    • Viegas, E. and P. Bouillon (1994) Semantic Lexicons: the Cornerstone for Lexical Choice in Natural Language Generation. In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop in Natural Language Generation, Kennebunkport, Maine, 91-98.
    • Bouillon, P. and E. Viegas (1994) A Semi-Polymorphic Approach to Adjectival Constructions: A Cross-linguistic Perspective. In Proceedings of the Sixth Euralex International Congress. Free University of Amsterdam, 36-44.
    • Viegas, E. (1992) Conceptualization and Lexicalization: a Problematic Relationship. In Proceedings of the 1992 Annual Conference of the Linguistic Society of Belgium on the Relationship between Linguistic and Conceptual Representation, Antwerp, Belgium.
    • Viegas, E. (1992) Proprietes formelles et logiques des verbes etre et avoir pour la construction ds taxinomies et meronomies. In Proceedings of the Seminar Lexique, Seminar on lexical representations, Toulouse, France.
    • Viegas, E. (1992) The Semantics-pragmatics of Lexicalization. In Proceedings of the 2nd Seminar on Computational Lexical Semantics, Toulouse, France, 68-78.
    • Saint-Dizier, P. and E. Viegas (1991) Natural Language Semantics and Logic Programming. In Proceedings of Sociedad Espanola para el Procesamiento del Len guaje Natural, Valencia, Spain.
    • Amsili, P., Cholvy, L., Gal, A., Molines, F., Saint-Dizier, P. and E. Viegas (1991) Generating Cooperative Responses in Natural Language. In Proceedings of Expert Systems, Avignon, France.
    • Amsili, P., Gal, A., Molines, F., Saint-Dizier, P. and E. Viegas (1991) Some Linguistic Aspects of the Generation of Cooperative Responses. In Proceedings of Sciences Cognitives: Instrument de developpement des organisations, Montreal, Canada.
    • Amsili, P., Cholvy, L., Gal, A., Molines, F., Morgand, P., Saint-Dizier, P. and E. Viegas (1991) Interfaces intelligentes d’interrogation de bases de donnees (La generation de reponses cooperatives en langue naturelle). In Proceedings of Journees Genie Linguistique 9, Versailles, France.
    • Amsili, P., Cholvy, L., Gal, A., Molines, F., Saint-Dizier, P. and E. Viegas (1991) Interface intelligente en langue naturelle pour interroger des bases de donnees. In Proceedings of Informatique et Langue Naturelle, LIANA, Nantes, France.
    • Amsili, P., Gal, A., Molines, F., Saint-Dizier, P. and E. Viegas (1990) Towards Generating Cooperative Responses in Natural Language: A Case Study. In Proceedings of Knowledge Bases and Computer Systems. Also in Lectures Notes in Computer Science. P. Baktar and K. M. Rege (Edts), Springer Verlag 1991, Pune, India.
    • Viegas, E. (1990) Environment at Stake in the Lexicalization of Concepts and Conceptual Relations. In Proceedings of the Workshop Knowledge Bases and Computer Systems. Also in Lectures Notes in Computer Science. V. P. Baktar and K. M. Rege (Edts).


    Evelyne Viegas (1999, 2007) Breadth and Depth of Semantic Lexicons (opens in new tab). Kluwer Academic Press.

    Pierrette Bouillon, Laurence Jacqmin, Graham Russell, Lyne Da Sylva, Francoise Vandooren and Evelyne Viegas (1998) Traitement automatique des langues naturelles. Textbook on Natural Language Processing. Editions Duculot, Deboeck et Larcier, 1998, Paris, Bruxelles.

    Patrick Saint-Dizier and Evelyne Viegas (1995, 2005) Computational Lexical Semantics (opens in new tab). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

  • Projets