Portrait of Haoyu Dong

Haoyu Dong

Senior Researcher


I’m Haoyu Dong, a senior researcher at Microsoft, where I’ve spent extensive time in both the Microsoft Research and AI departments. My work primarily revolves around developing deep learning models that enhance table understanding and reasoning. Gladly, my first-authored paper, Neural Formatting for Spreadsheet Tables, was notably nominated for the best full research paper at CIKM’20. Recently, I’ve been concentrating on fine-tuning GPT on applications in spreadsheets, databases, and image tables for Excel Copilot.

I had the pleasure of co-organizing the first and second Table Representation Learning (TRL) workshops at NeurIPS in 2022 and 2023. I also served on the steering committee for the Tabular Data Analysis (TADA) workshop at VLDB’23.

In the near future, I will be presenting a tutorial on “Large Language Models for Tabular Data” at the upcoming SIGIR’24 conference.

We’re looking for interns! If you’re interested, please feel free to reach out to me by email with your application. Thanks!