Portrait de Shelley Koch

Shelley Koch

Business Administrator

À propos

Once Shelley completed her Bachelor of Education from University of Manitoba, she adventured to Japan to teach English and Canadian culture for a couple years. Her personal life brought her to Madison, Wisconsin where she began an admin career at a computer consulting firm.  After a couple years, this new career was put on hold for about 8 years, while she raised her three kiddos!

Before joining Microsoft at GSL, Shelley’s return to the admin world included working for both financial advisors and fitness entrepreneurs, where she also became a certified personal trainer with a strong interest in healthy body image.

At Microsoft, Shelley administers the business for the Madison GSL team!  She welcomes everyone to our office, manages contracts for our relationship with the University of Wisconsin, plans morale events for the office, orders fun food and snacks for the team,  keeps the office stocked with all necessary equipment and supplies, deals with expense and other type reports, etc….basically administers the business stuff so our team can focus on their projects and work!

Within Microsoft, Shelley also enjoys providing admin support for Partner Architect, Conor Cunningham, and his SQL team in Austin, Texas!

When not at Microsoft, you will find Shelley….chauffeuring, cheerleading and applauding at her kiddos’ many sporting, musical and theater events; managing her family’s insane calendar; taking walks with her dog; volunteering, on dates with her husband; getting sweaty at the gym or hanging out with friends at book clubs or game nights!