Portrait of Alex Slivkins

Alex Slivkins

Senior Principal Researcher


Advanced Topics in Theory of Computing: Bandits, Experts, and Games (opens in new tab) (Fall 2016)
Computer Science Department, University of Maryland at College Park

Bandits and Reinforcement Learning (opens in new tab) (Fall 2017, co-taught with Alekh Agrawal)
Computer Science Department, Columbia University

Tutorial: Incentivized Exploration (opens in new tab) (presented at IJCAI 2021 (opens in new tab)).

Tutorial: Incentivizing and Coordinating Exploration (joint with Robert Kleinberg).
Presented at ALT 2020 (opens in new tab). Abstract (pdf (opens in new tab)). Slides: part I (opens in new tab) (Alex) and part II (opens in new tab) (Bobby).
Presented at ACM EC 2017 (opens in new tab). Proposal (pdf (opens in new tab)). Slides: part I (opens in new tab) (Alex) and part II (opens in new tab) (Bobby).

Tutorial on Dynamic Pricing under Model Uncertainty: Learning & Earning (opens in new tab)
Joint with Assaf Zeevi. Presented at ACM EC 2015 (opens in new tab) (tutorial proposal (opens in new tab)).