Portrait de Sriram Rajamani

Sriram Rajamani

Corporate Vice President and Managing Director, Microsoft Research India Lab

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À propos

Sriram Rajamani is Corporate Vice President and Managing Director of Microsoft Research India.

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Interests and background:
Sriram’s research interests are in designing, building and analyzing computer systems in a principled manner. Over the years he has worked on various topics including Hardware and Software Verification, Type Systems, Language Design, Distributed Systems, Security and Privacy. His current research interest is in the intersection of programming and machine learning.

Together with Tom Ball, he was awarded the CAV 2011 Award for “contributions to software model checking, specifically the development of the SLAM/SDV software model checker that successfully demonstrated computer-aided verification techniques on real programs.” Sriram was elected ACM Fellow in 2015 for contributions to software analysis and defect detection, and Fellow of  Indian National Academy of Engineering in 2016.

Sriram was general chair for POPL 2015 in India, and was program Co-Chair for CAV 2005. He co-founded the Mysore Park Series, and the ISEC conference series in India. Till recently, he served on the CACM editorial board  as co-chair for special regional sections, to bring computing innovations from around the world to CACM.

Sriram has a PhD from UC Berkeley, MS from University of Virginia and BEng from College of Engineering, Guindy, all with specialization in Computer Science. In 2020, he was named as a Distinguished Alumnus by College of Engineering, Guindy.



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If you want information about MSR India’s travel grant program please see MSR India’s webpage, and click on the “Academic Outreach” TAB. The page also shows how to apply for travel grants online.

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