Portrait de Ting Cao

Ting Cao

Directeur principal de la recherche

À propos

I am now the Principal Research Manager of Heterogeneous Extreme Computing (HEX) group (opens in new tab) of systems and networking research area of Microsoft Research.

My research interests include deep learning system and algorithm design, Hardware/Software co-design, high-level languages, energy efficient hardware, management of heterogeneous hardware, and big data systems. Currently I am focusing on empowering large language models on client devices and simplifying traditional systems, such as compilers, by large generative models.

I received my PhD from Research School of Computer Science, the Australian National University, where I was honored to be supervised by Prof. Steve Blackburn (opens in new tab) et Prof. Kathryn McKinley (opens in new tab). My thesis was entitled “Power, Performance, and Upheaval: An Opportunity for Managed Languages” (opens in new tab). After that, I had been working in the State Key Lab of Computer Architecture, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Then, I joined the Compiler and Computing Language Lab in 2012 Labs, Huawei Technologies before joining Microsoft Research.

My research achievements are published in top-tier computer science conferences, such as MobiCom, PLDI, ISCA, ASPLOS, and MobiSys. I have also served as PC or ERC in conferences including PLDI, MobiSys, OOPSLA, VEE, ISMM, ICPAS, MPLR and ChinaSys. I have got a range of awards, such as 2012 ACM Research highlights, 2012 IEEE Micro Top Picks, 2021 ACM SIGMOBILE Research highlights, Best paper awards in PPoPP’24, MobiSys’21, NAS’14, ICCD’10, and Huawei’s Future star award.

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