Portrait de Xing Xie

Xing Xie

Partner Research Manager

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À propos

Dr. Xing Xie is a partner research manager at Microsoft Research Asia. He received his B.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Science and Technology of China in 1996 and 2001, respectively. Since joining Microsoft Research Asia in July 2001, Dr. Xie has focused on data mining, social computing, and responsible AI. His work has been recognized with several prestigious awards, including the IEEE MDM 2023 Test-of-Time Award, ACM SIGKDD 2022 Test-of-Time Award, ACM SIGKDD China 2021 Test-of-Time Award, ACM SIGSPATIAL 2020 10-Year Impact Award Honorable Mention, and ACM SIGSPATIAL 2019 10-Year Impact Award. He has delivered keynote speeches at notable conferences such as MDM 2019, ASONAM 2017, and W2GIS 2011. Dr. Xie serves on the editorial boards of ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems, ACM Transactions on Social Computing, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, and CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction. He served as program co-chair of ACM Ubicomp 2011, PCC 2012, UIC 2015, SMP 2017, ACM SIGSPATIAL 2021, ACM SIGSPATIAL 2022, IEEE MDM 2022, PAKDD 2024, and IEEE BigData 2025. Dr. Xie is a Fellow of the ACM, IEEE, and China Computer Federation.

谢幸博士于2001年7月加入微软亚洲研究院,现任全球研究合伙人。他1996年毕业于中国科学技术大学少年班,并于2001年在中国科学技术大学获得博士学位,师从陈国良院士。目前,他领导的研究团队致力于数据挖掘、社会计算和负责任人工智能等领域的研究。他的学术成就包括2019年获ACM SIGSPATIAL十年影响力论文奖及中国计算机学会青竹奖,2020年获ACM SIGSPATIAL十年影响力论文荣誉奖,2021年获ACM SIGKDD China时间检验论文奖,2022年获ACM SIGKDD时间检验论文奖,2023年获IEEE MDM时间检验论文奖和中国计算机学会自然科学一等奖,并被评为DeepTech中国智能计算科技创新人物。他曾受邀在ChineseCSCW 2022, CCDM 2022, CCIR 2020, MDM 2019、HHME 2018、ASONAM 2017、Mobiquitous 2016、SocInfo 2015、W2GIS 2011等会议做大会主题报告。他是ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems、ACM Transactions on Social Computing、ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology、CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction等杂志编委。他曾担任ACM UbiComp 2011、PCC 2012、IEEE UIC 2015、SMP 2017、ACM SIGSPATIAL 2021、IEEE MDM 2022、ACM SIGSPATIAL 2022、PAKDD 2024、以及IEEE BigData 2025等会议程序委员会共同主席。他是ACM会士、IEEE会士、以及中国计算机学会会士。

[Research overview] Shaping the Future with Societal AI (opens in new tab) (Dec. 2023)

[Join Us!] Dive into the Intersection of AI and Social Science with Microsoft Research Asia! (opens in new tab)

[Open Call] Microsoft Research Asia StarTrack Scholars Program – Societal AI Theme (opens in new tab) (Deadline Passed)

[Open Call] BRAID Fellowships – Challenge on alignment of Large Language Models (opens in new tab) (Deadline Passed)

[Open Call] Microsoft Research AI & Society Fellows (opens in new tab) – Copyright Protection for User Data in the Era of LLMs (Deadline Passed)

[Open Call] Accelerate Foundation Models Research (opens in new tab) (Deadline Passed)

[Summer School] Summer Institute in Computational Social Science, Beijing, China (opens in new tab) (Jul. 2024)

[Book] Recommender Systems: Frontiers and Practices  (opens in new tab) (Mar. 2024)

[Vision paper] Evaluating General-Purpose AI with Psychometrics (opens in new tab) (Oct. 2023)

[Vision paper] Unpacking the Ethical Value Alignment in Big Models (opens in new tab) (Oct. 2023)

[Survey] From Instructions to Intrinsic Human Values – A Survey of Alignment Goals for Big Models (opens in new tab) (Aug. 2023)

[Survey] A Survey on Evaluation of Large Language Models (opens in new tab) (Jul. 2023)

[Workshop] The Workshop on AI’s impact on Society and Advancements in Technology (opens in new tab) (May 16, 2023)

[Workshop] The Workshop on Understanding and Evaluating Big Models for Human Intelligence and Learning (opens in new tab) (Apr. 11, 2023)

[Workshop] The Workshop on Legal and Ethical Governance Challenges Faced by Big Models (opens in new tab) (Feb. 28, 2023)

[Workshop] Microsoft Research Summit Workshop on Responsible AI: An Interdisciplinary Approach (opens in new tab) (Oct. 24, 2022, PPT and recordings are shared on this page)

[Data] PENS: PErsonalized News headlineS (opens in new tab) (Dataset for personalized news headline generation research, ACL 2021 paper (opens in new tab))

[Workshop] The 1st International Workshop on News Recommendation and Intelligence (opens in new tab) (PPT and recordings are shared here (opens in new tab))

[Data] MIND News Recommendation Leaderboard (opens in new tab) (ACL 2020 paper (opens in new tab), Baselines (opens in new tab))

[Code] Microsoft Recommenders (opens in new tab)

[Talk] IEEE MDM 2019 Keynote Speech “Future of Personalized Recommendation Systems (opens in new tab)” (Jun. 2019)

[Vision Article] Personalized Recommendation Systems: Five Hot Research Topics You Must Know (opens in new tab) (Nov. 2018)

[Video] Our research on personality inference/matching in TV program “Only You (opens in new tab)” (in Chinese, May 2017)

[Book] Mobile Data Mining (opens in new tab) (in Chinese, Apr. 2017)

[Talk] Zaojiu talk “Can I Build Another Me (opens in new tab)” (in Chinese, Feb. 2017)