Portrait de Yongqiang Xiong

Yongqiang Xiong

Principal Researcher/Research Manager
Networking Research Group, Microsoft Research Asia

À propos


Dr. Xiong is now with Networking Researching Group at Microsoft Research Asia as a principal researcher and research manager. Dr. Xiong received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D degrees from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China in 1996, 1998 and 2001, respectively, all in computer science. His research interests include system and networking, as well as network security. He has published over 80 papers, and served as TPC member or reviewers for the international key conferences and leading journals in the areas of system and networking. Dr. Xiong is member of IEEE.

Dr. Xiong has been working on the system and networking area for a while, originally he worked on Internet routing protocols, after that, he turned to mobile ad hoc networks and peer-to-peer networks, which were both similarly end system based networks. He is now focusing on data center networking systems, especially on the architecture design, optimal scheduling problem, switch constructions to improve resilience, performance and diagnosis, as well as its security problem such as handing the DDoS attacks. He is also interested in building hardware networking systems, doing measurement and security related research.

[Selected Publications] (full publication list)

[EuroSys’19] Ursa: Hybrid Block Storage for Cloud-Scale Virtual Disks. H Li, Y Zhang, D Li, Z Zhang, S Liu, P Huang, Z Qin, K Chen, Y Xiong, Proceedings of the Fourteenth EuroSys Conference 2019

[NSDI’19] Direct Universal Access: Making Data Center Resources Available to FPGA. R Shu, P Cheng, G Chen, Z Guo, L Qu, Y Xiong, D Chiou, T Moscibroda, NSDI, 127-140

[ATC’19] Accelerating rule-matching systems with learned rankers.ZL Li, CJM Liang, W Bai, Q Zheng, Y Xiong, G Sun, 2019 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (2019), 1041-1048

[NSDI’18] Multi-path transport for {RDMA} in datacentersY Lu, G Chen, B Li, K Tan, Y Xiong, P Cheng, J Zhang, E Chen, 15th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation  (NSDI 2018)

[SOSP’17] Kv-direct: High-performance in-memory key-value store with programmable nic.B Li, Z Ruan, W Xiao, Y Lu, Y Xiong, A Putnam, E Chen, L Zhang, Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, 137-152

[ATC’17] Protego: Cloud-scale multitenant ipsec gateway J Son, Y Xiong, K Tan, P Wang, Z Gan, S Moon, USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC 2017), 473-485

[SIGCOMM’16] Clicknp: Highly flexible and high performance network processing with reconfigurable hardware. B Li, K Tan, LL Luo, Y Peng, R Luo, N Xu, Y Xiong, P Cheng, E Chen, Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGCOMM Conference, 1-14

[ATC’16] Fast and cautious: Leveraging multi-path diversity for transport loss recovery in data centers.G Chen, Y Lu, Y Meng, B Li, K Tan, D Pei, P Cheng, LL Luo, Y Xiong, USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC 2016), 29-42

[NSDI’15] CubicRing: Enabling one-hop failure detection and recovery for distributed in-memory storage systems. Y Zhang, C Guo, D Li, R Chu, H Wu, Y Xiong, 12th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 2015)

Best Paper Award! [NSDI’11] Serverswitch: a programmable and high performance platform for data center networks. G Lu, C Guo, Y Li, Z Zhou, T Yuan, H Wu, Y Xiong, R Gao, Y Zhang. Nsdi 2011

(More on google scholar page: full publication list)