Portrait of Yuanyuan Tian

Yuanyuan Tian

Principal Scientist Manager


Dr. Yuanyuan Tian is a Principal Scientist at Microsoft Gray Systems Lab (GSL), and an ACM Distinguished Member. Before Microsoft, she was a Principal Research Staff Member at IBM Almaden Research Center. She obtained her Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Michigan. Her research interests include HTAP, SQL-on-Hadoop, big data federation, graph analytics platforms, and large-scale systems for machine learning. She has published two books and over 40 articles in top database venues with 4500+ citations. Dr. Tian has served in the editorial board for the new encyclopedia for Big Data, as an Associate Editor for VLDB Journal and PVLDB, and chaired various tracks in top database conferences. She has also served in several NSF panels. She is the recipient of the SIGMOD 2019 Research Highlight Award, EDBT 2018 Best Paper Award, the Outstanding Technical Achievement Award from IBM in 2020, 2019 and 2016, the Research Division Award from IBM in 2019, and the Distinguished Academic Achievement Award from the University of Michigan in 2008.

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