Portrait of Zhenghan Wang

Zhenghan Wang

Principal Researcher
Quantum Computing and Topology


I was born in Tsingtao, China and received my Ph.D in mathematics from UCSD in 1993.  I was an assistant Professor of Mathematics at University of Michigan from 1993–1996 and Professors of Mathematics at Indiana University at Bloomington from 1996–2007 (1996–1997 on leave as an NSF postdoc at UCSD and 2005–2007 on leave at Microsoft).  I am a Professor of Mathematics at UCSB since 2012 (on indefinite leave) and a Distinguished Visiting Research Chair at Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics since 2013.  I have been a researcher at Station Q since 2005.  My main interests are quantum mathematics, theoretical models of topological phases of matter, and their application to quantum physics and quantum computing.