Ben Zorn的肖像

Ben Zorn

Partner Researcher


I am a Partner Researcher and former co-manager of the Research in Software Engineering (opens in new tab)(RiSE) group in Microsoft Research, Redmond WA working on programming languages and software engineering.  Research interests include  usability, security, and reliability, including reliability of artificial intelligence.  More information here: vita (opens in new tab).

From 1990-1998 I was an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the Univ. of Colorado (opens in new tab). I have a BS from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (opens in new tab) (1982) and an MS (1984) and PhD (1989) from the University of California at Berkeley (opens in new tab).

I have served as the Program Chair (1999) and General Chair (2010) of PLDI, (opens in new tab) served on the Executive Committee of SIGPLAN (opens in new tab), and served as a member of the Computing Community Consortium (CCC (opens in new tab)) Council between 2014 and 2020.  I co-founded the  CRA-Industry (opens in new tab) committee in 2021 and am currently co-chair.  In 2021 I received the SIGPLAN Distinguished Service Award (opens in new tab).

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