Microsoft Research Podcast

Collaborators: Sustainable electronics with Jake Smith and Aniruddh Vashisth

Printed circuit boards are abundant—in the stuff we use and in landfills. Researcher Jake Smith and professor Aniruddh Vashisth discuss the development of vitrimer-based PCBs that perform comparably to traditional PCBs but have less environmental impact.
  1. Photo of Dr. Philip Bernstein for the Microsoft Research Podcast

    Project Orleans and the distributed database future with Dr. Philip Bernstein 

    Episode 114 |

    Forty years ago, database research was an “exotic” field and, because of its business data processing reputation, was not considered intellectually interesting in academic circles. But that didn’t deter Dr. Philip Bernstein, now a Distinguished Scientist in MSR’s Data Management, Exploration and Mining group, and…

  2. Saleema Amershi on the Microsoft Research Podcast

    Responsible AI with Dr. Saleema Amershi 

    Episode 105 |

    There’s an old adage that says if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. But when it comes to AI, Dr. Saleema Amershi, a principal researcher in the Adaptive Systems and Interaction group at Microsoft Research, contends that if you plan to fail, you’re…

  3. Sumit Gulwani on the Microsoft Research podcast

    Program synthesis and the art of programming by intent with Dr. Sumit Gulwani 

    November 20, 2019

    Dr. Sumit Gulwani is a programmer’s programmer. Literally. A Partner Research Manager in the Program Synthesis, or PROSE, group at Microsoft Research, Dr. Gulwani is a leading researcher in program synthesis and the inventor of many intent-understanding, programming-by-example and programming-by-natural language technologies – aka, the…

  4. Paul Bennett

    Building contextually intelligent assistants with Dr. Paul Bennett 

    January 16, 2019

    Episode 59, January 16, 2019 - Dr. Bennett brings us up to speed on the science of contextually intelligent assistants, explains how what we think our machines can do actually shapes what we expect them to do, and shares how current research in machine learning…

  5. a man wearing glasses and looking at the camera

    Getting LinkedIn to Data Science with Dr. Igor Perisic 

    February 7, 2018

    Episode 11, February 7, 2018 - Big data is a big deal, and if you follow the popular technical press, you’ll have heard all the metaphors: data is the new oil, the new bacon, the new currency, the new electricity. It’s even been called the…

  6. photo of Dr. Steven Drucker - Principle Researcher

    Visualizing Data and Other Big Ideas with Dr. Steven Drucker 

    December 20, 2017

    In a wide-ranging interview, veteran Microsoft Researcher, Dr. Steven Drucker talks about his work in data visualization, the importance of clear communication in a world of complex algorithms and big data, and the long, slow work of big breakthroughs. He also offers some pro-tips to…