Eyes First - accessible games and apps

Eyes First games

Play games using your eyes

What are Eyes First games?​

Eyes First games are popular games reinvented for an “Eyes First” experience. The games are powered by Windows 10 eye tracking APIs and can be used with or without Windows 10 Eye Control, a key accessibility feature for people with speech and mobility disabilities.

​The primary purpose of the Eyes First games is to introduce the basic skills of using Eye Tracking devices. This is especially useful for people who haven’t used these devices before or haven’t reached a point where they depend on an eye tracker for communication.

In this video, learn how the Eyes First games help people with speech and mobility disabilities learn eye tracking skills in an easy and fun way—while introducing a new and fun experience that everyone can participate in together.

Eyes First games: Getting started

Getting started

To play Eyes First games, you need a compatible eye tracker device and Windows PC with Windows 10 April 2018 update (version 1803) or newer.

Watch the videos >

Eyes First games: graphic showing puppy finding her way through a maze

Play, learn, have fun!

Playing these games is a great way to get familiar with using eye control, learn the skills to apply to other eye gaze-enabled assistive technologies, and simply to have some fun.

Check out the games >

Eyes First games: graphic showing chat boxes

Join us on the journey

If you have speech and mobility disabilities and envision a different way to access your computer and be in control, download the games and start using eye gaze input today. We’d love to hear from you.

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