
Established: May 1, 2017

In recent years, there has been an explosion of large-scale real-time analytics needs and a plethora of streaming systems have been developed to support such applications. These systems are able to continue stream processing even when faced with hardware and software failures. However, these systems do not address some crucial challenges facing their operators: the manual, time-consuming and error-prone tasks of tuning various configuration knobs to achieve service level objectives (SLO) as well as the maintenance of SLOs in the face of sudden, unpredictable load variation and hardware or software performance degradation.

The Dhalion project aims to bring self-regulating capabilities to streaming systems. Dhalion monitors the streaming application, identifies problems that prohibit the application from meeting its targeted performance and automatically takes actions to recover such as restarting slow processes and scaling up and down resources in case of load variations. Dhalion has been built as an extension to Apache Heron and contributed back to the Heron code base.