AI4Good | Map pointing to a map of the countries of the world in a high tech setting

Building trust with ethical AI

To create positive impact with technology, people must be able to trust the technologies they use and the companies behind them. That’s why we’re committed to the responsible use of AI, protecting privacy, and advancing digital safety and cybersecurity.

How we work

a person standing in front of a power plant

Responsible AI

Microsoft is dedicated to advancing ethical AI principles, guiding us to construct safe, secure, and transparent AI systems aimed at benefiting society. As technological advancements accelerate, our efforts to govern AI responsibly must evolve accordingly.

Woman standing in front of a large screen monitor and surface hub


At Microsoft, we value, protect, and defend privacy. We believe in transparency, so that people and organizations can control their data and have meaningful choices in how it is used.

Three workers sitting in a row on their computers

Digital safety

Microsoft works to preserve digital safety while respecting human rights like privacy, freedom of speech, and security. Safe online spaces help people create, connect, and share knowledge.

Women on screen with AI overlay

Preserving privacy with synthetic data

Our research explores the effectiveness of synthetic data in critical fields like healthcare and humanitarian action, where data privacy is non-negotiable. We found models trained with synthetic data can match the performance of those trained on real data, while upholding privacy and fairness standards.

Man on computer using phone for multi-factor authentication

Multifactor authentication protection

Our study reveals that Multifactor Authentication (MFA) implementation offers outstanding protection, with over 99.99% of MFA-enabled accounts remaining secure during the investigation period. Moreover, MFA reduces the risk of compromise by 99.22% across the entire population.