Infographic Designer

Established: March 1, 2016

Infographic visualizations are getting increasingly popular, and have been widely adopted in the real world. As research reveals, they can improve the effectiveness of visualizations by making data quickly understood and easily remembered. However, current data visualization systems lack supports for generating infographics.

Infographic Designer (a.k.a. InfoNice), released as a Power BI custom visual, enables easy creation of infographic visualizations for business users. It provides an easy-to-use UI for users to customize chart marks with rich visual elements, including icons, images, and texts. With Infographic Designer, users can turn a standard column chart or bar chart into a more compelling and customized infographic presentation of data, which makes their dashboards and reports much more beautiful, readable, and friendly.

Power BI blog on Infographic Designer

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Download Infographic Designer

Go to Power BI Custom Visuals Gallery, select Infographic Designer from the visuals list. 

Get Started with Infographic Designer

Acknowledgement Thanks Sirui Tan, our designer intern, for working on the icon library, and contributing to the graphical design as well as user experience design of Infographic Designer.  


Portrait of Ray Huang

Ray Huang

Research SDE

Portrait of Haidong Zhang

Haidong Zhang

Principal Architect

Portrait of Qiufeng Yin

Qiufeng Yin


Portrait of Zhitao Hou

Zhitao Hou


Portrait of Dongmei Zhang

Dongmei Zhang

Distinguished Scientist, Deputy Managing Director, Microsoft Research Asia

Portrait of Yun Wang

Yun Wang

Senior Researcher