Established: March 14, 2016

IVy is a language and a tool for specifying, modeling, implementing and verifying protcols. IVy is intended to allow interactive development of protocols and their proofs of correctness and to provide a platform for developing and experimenting with automated proof techniques. A particular focus of IVy is to provide automated proof in a way that is predictable, stable and transparent, in order to improve the overall productivity of the verification process. IVy provides interactive visualization of automated proofs, and supports a use model in which the human protocol designer and the automated tool interact to expose errors and prove correctness. The Ivy language is designed to be well suited for both abstract specification and efficient implementation.


The research community has developed many impressive automated tools for formal proof. For example, SMT solvers such as Microsoft’s Z3 (opens in new tab) can check the validity of formulas in various logics and can even generate inductive invariants when used as Horn solver. Because these tools are based on fragile heuristics, however, they fail in ways that are unpredictable and often not understandable by a human user. To reduce this problem, Ivy relies on interactive visualization, decidable logics and modularity.

Interactive visualization

Ivy constructs inductive invariants interactively, using visualization techniques. When there is a problem in the proof, it searches for a simple scenario to explain the problem and displays it graphically, highlighting possibly relevant facts. Users can combine their intuition with automated generalization techniques to refine the proof.

Decidable logics and modularity

A logic is decidable if there is a algorithm that can determine the truth of any formula. In practice, using decidable logics makes proof automation more reliable and repeatable. It also makes it possible to give transparent explanations of proof failures.

IVy’s language is designed to make it practical to reduce all proof obligations to statements in decidable logics. It provides primitives to support modeling in decidable logics, and also modular refinement techniques the makes it possible to separate the verification effort into local, decidable problems. For example, we can verify a protocol at a high level assuming that a given abstract type is totally ordered, then implement that abstract type using bit vectors or integers.

Compositional specification-based testing

Another key focus of Ivy is to produce composable specifications that can be used as a reference by designers and for rigorous testing of designs. Ivy supports specifications that are both composable and temporal. This means that if all components locally satisfy their specifications, we know that the system as a whole correctly implements its high-level semantics. Moreover, each component’s specification can be used independently to test and verify that component.

From composable specifications, Ivy can generate test benches and tests oracles that can be used to test design components rigorously against their specifications. Such testers can reveal latent bugs in component implementations that do not appear in integration tests or ad-hoc unit testing.


IVy has been used to create verified implementations of distributed consensus protocols, such as Paxos and Raft. It has also been used to create composable specifications of protocols, such as the coherent memory interface of the RISC-V machine architecture and the QUIC Internet transport protocol. These specifications were used to rigorously test implementations of the protocols, revealing significant errors in the implementations.


IVy is joint work with the following people:

  • Oded Padon, Tel Aviv University
  • Aurojit Panda, UC Berkeley
  • Mooly Sagiv, Tel Aviv University
  • Sharon Shoham, Academic College of Tel Aviv Yaffo

Getting Ivy

IVy is an open source project hosted by GitHub (opens in new tab).