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Multi-Domain Task-Completion Dialog Challenge II

As part of the Ninth Dialog System Technology Challenge (DSTC9 (opens in new tab)),  Microsoft Research and Tsinghua University are hosting Multi-domain Task-oriented Dialog Challenge II, aiming to solve two tasks in the multi-domain task completion setting.


  • End-to-end Multi-domain Task Completion Dialog — In recent years there has been an increasing interest in building complex task completion bots that span over multiple domains. In this task, participants will develop an end-to-end dialog system that receives natural language as an input and generates natural language as an output in the travel planning setting. There is no restriction on the modeling approaches, and all resources/datasets in the community can be used for model training. The system will be evaluated in MultiWOZ 2.1 dataset setting with ConvLab-2.


  • Cross-lingual Multi-domain Dialog State TrackingBuilding a dialog system that handles multiple languages becomes increasingly important with the rapid process of globalization. To advance state-of-the-art technologies in handling cross-lingual multi-domain dialogs, we offer the task of building cross-lingual dialog state trackers with a training set in resource-rich language, and dev/test set in a resource-poor language. In particular, this task consists of two sub-tasks. One uses English as the resource-rich language and Chinese as the resource-poor language on the MultiWOZ dataset, and the other one uses Chinese as the resource-rich language and English as the resource-poor language on the CrossWOZ dataset.



  1. Submit the participation form here (opens in new tab).
  2. Participate and make your submission at https://aka.ms/dstc-mdtc (opens in new tab) (sign up if you do not have a CodaLab account).
  3. Track related information will be updated here (opens in new tab).


Important Dates

  • Jun 15, 2020: Competitions start
  • Sep 21, 2020: Test data is released
  • Oct 5, 2020: Entry submission deadline
  • Oct 19,2020: Results announced
  • Nov 2020: Paper submission deadline