Multiworld Testing

Established: November 1, 2013

MWT white paper (pdf) – Background for potential users of the Decision Service: machine learning methodology and system design, and how to make them fit YOUR application. Also covers past deployments and experimental evaluation. For a broad technical audience, both in product groups and in research.

Slide deck on MWT and the Decision Service.

MWT Decision Service Wiki: tutorials, guides and references.

Custom Decision Service documentation

Tutorials and lectures:

Most relevant papers:

Background reading:


Portrait of Markus Cozowicz

Markus Cozowicz

Senior Research Engineer

Portrait of Miro Dudík

Miro Dudík

Sr Principal Researcher Manager

Portrait of John Langford

John Langford

Partner Researcher Manager

Portrait of Siddhartha Sen

Siddhartha Sen

Principal Researcher

Portrait of Alex Slivkins

Alex Slivkins

Senior Principal Researcher