The Jacdac hardware kit. It features a brown cardboard box, containing a BBC micro:bit, some jacdac cables, and some Jacdac hardware modules

Project MakeAccessible

Can we empower more people to build low-cost, custom accessibility devices?


Portrait de James Devine

James Devine

Ingénieur logiciel Senior

Portrait de Steve Hodges

Steve Hodges

Senior Principal Researcher

Portrait de Paul Kos

Paul Kos

Director of Electrical Engineering

Portrait de Gabriele D'Amone

Gabriele D'Amone

Design Engineer

Portrait de David Gakure

David Gakure

Hardware Engineer

Portrait de Peli de Halleux

Peli de Halleux

Principal Research Software Engineer

Portrait de Thomas Ball

Thomas Ball

Partner Researcher

Portrait de Michal Moskal

Michal Moskal

Principal Research Software Development Engineer

Portrait de Weishung Liu

Weishung Liu

Principal PM Manager