007: Democratically Finding The Cause of Packet Drops

15th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 18) |

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Network failures continue to plague datacenter operators as their symptoms may not have direct correlation with where or why they occur. We introduce 007, a lightweight, always-on diagnosis application that can find problematic links and also pinpoint problems for each TCP connection. 007 is completely contained within the end host. During its two month deployment in a tier-1 datacenter, it detected every problem found by previously deployed monitoring tools while also finding the sources of other problems previously undetected.

Publication Downloads

Vigil: Democratically Finding The Cause of Packet Drops

May 9, 2018

The source code for the simulations in the paper, 007: Democratically Finding The Cause of Packet Drops (NSDI 2018). To run: use MultiFailureDriver or SingleLinkFailureDriver (these are the starting points/drivers of the code).