Augmenting refrigerator magnets: why less is sometimes more

  • Alex Taylor ,
  • Laurel Swan ,
  • Rachel Eardley ,
  • ,
  • Steve Hodges ,
  • Ken Wood

Proceedings of the 4th Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction: changing roles |

Published by Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.

In this paper we present a number of augmented refrigerator magnet concepts. The concepts are shown to be derived from previous research into the everyday use of fridge surfaces. Three broadly encompassing practices have been addressed through the concepts: (i) organization/planning in households; (ii) reminding; and (iii) methods household members use to assign ownership to particular tasks, activities and artifacts. Particular emphasis is given to a design approach that aims to build on the simplicity of magnets so that each of the concepts offers a basic, simple to operate function. The concepts, and our use of what we call this less is more design sensibility are examined using a low-fidelity prototyping exercise. The results of this preliminary work suggest that the concepts have the potential to be easily incorporated into household routines and that the design of simple functioning devices lends itself to this.