Augmenting Remote Presence For Interactive Dashboard Collaborations

  • Rodrigo Pizarro ,
  • Mark Hall ,
  • Pablo Bermell-Garcia ,
  • Mar Gonzalez Franco

ITS '15 - Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Interactive Tabletops & Surfaces |

Published by ACM

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We implement the use of silhouette representation for collaboration using interactive dashboards. In order to test its effectiveness against other modalities of interaction we ran a guided data exploration task in a Visual Analytics tool using a tactile dashboard in three modes: face-to-face, teleconference, and enhanced teleconference with silhouette representation. Even though no performance differences were found across the conditions, results show increased coordination abilities of the participants when the remote person is represented by a silhouette, furthermore important behavioral changes related to the presence illusion are also found only in the silhouette condition.