Co-OpNet: Cooperative Generator-Discriminator Networks for Abstractive Summarization with Narrative Flow

  • Saadia Gabriel ,
  • Antoine Bosselut ,
  • Ari Holtzman ,
  • Kyle Lo ,
  • Asli Celikyilmaz ,
  • Yejin Choi

We introduce Cooperative Generator-Discriminator Networks (Co-opNet), a general framework for abstractive summarization with distinct modeling of the narrative flow in the output summary. Most current approaches to abstractive summarization, in contrast, are based on datasets whose target summaries are either a single sentence, or a bag of standalone sentences (e.g., extracted highlights of a story), neither of which allows for learning coherent narrative flow in the output summaries. To promote research toward abstractive summarization with narrative flow, we first introduce a new dataset, Scientific Abstract SummarieS (SASS), where the abstracts are used as proxy gold summaries for scientific articles. We then propose Co-opNet, a novel transformer-based framework where the generator works with the discourse discriminator to compose a long-form summary. Empirical results demonstrate that Co-opNet learns to summarize with considerably improved global coherence compared to competitive baselines.