Distributed Approaches to Triangulation and Embedding

  • Jehoshua Bruck ,
  • Aleksandrs Slivkins

16th ACM-SIAM Symp. on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) |

Published by Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

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A number of recent papers in the networking community study the distance matrix defined by the node-to-node latencies in the Internet and, in particular, provide a number of quite successful distributed approaches that embed this distance into a low-dimensional Euclidean space. In such algorithms it is feasible to measure distances among only a linear or near-linear number of node pairs; the rest of the distances are simply not available. Moreover, for applications it is desirable to spread the load evenly among the participating nodes. Indeed, several recent studies use this ‘fully distributed’ approach and achieve, empirically, a low distortion for all but a small fraction of node pairs. This is concurrent with the large body of theoretical work on metric embeddings, but there is a fundamental distinction: in the theoretical approaches to metric embeddings, full and centralized access to the distance matrix is assumed and heavily used. In this paper we present the first fully distributed embedding algorithm with provable distortion guarantees for doubling metrics (which have been proposed as a reasonable abstraction of Internet latencies), thus providing some insight into the empirical success of the recent Vivaldi algorithm [7]. The main ingredient of our embedding algorithm is an improved fully distributed algorithm for a more basic problem of triangulation, where the triangle inequality is used to infer the distances that have not been measured; this problem received a considerable attention in the networking community, and has also been studied theoretically in [19]. We use our techniques to extend -relaxed embeddings and triangulations to infinite metrics and arbitrary measures, and to improve on the approximate distance labeling scheme of Talwar [36].