Dual-Alignment Pre-training for Cross-lingual Sentence Embedding

  • Ziheng Li ,
  • ,
  • Zihan Zhang ,
  • Zhi-Hong Deng ,
  • Qiang Lou ,
  • Haizhen Huang ,
  • Jian Jiao ,
  • ,
  • Weiwei Deng ,
  • Qi Zhang

ACL 2023 |

Recent studies have shown that dual encoder models trained with the sentence-level translation ranking task are effective methods for cross-lingual sentence embedding. However, our research indicates that token-level alignment is also crucial in multilingual scenarios, which has not been fully explored previously. Based on our findings, we propose a dual-alignment pre-training (DAP) framework for cross-lingual sentence embedding that incorporates both sentence-level and token-level alignment. To achieve this, we introduce a novel representation translation learning (RTL) task, where the model learns to use one-side contextualized token representation to reconstruct its translation counterpart. This reconstruction objective encourages the model to embed translation information into the token representation. Compared to other token-level alignment methods such as translation language modeling, RTL is more suitable for dual encoder architectures and is computationally efficient. Extensive experiments on three sentence-level cross-lingual benchmarks demonstrate that our approach can significantly improve sentence embedding. Our code is available at this https URL.