Edgel Index for Large-Scale Sketch-based Image Search

  • Yang Cao ,
  • Changhu Wang ,
  • Liqing Zhang ,
  • Lei Zhang

IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) |

Retrieving images to match with a hand-drawn sketch query is a highly desired feature, especially with the popularity of devices with touch screens. Although query-by-sketch has been extensively studied since 1990s, it is still very challenging to build a real-time sketch-based image search engine on a large-scale database due to the lack of effective and efficient matching/indexing solutions. The explosive growth of web images and the phenomenal success of search techniques have encouraged us to revisit this problem and target at solving the problem of web-scale sketch-based image retrieval. In this work, a novel index structure and the corresponding raw contour-based matching algorithm are proposed to calculate the similarity between a sketch query and natural images, and make sketch-based image retrieval scalable to millions of images. The proposed solution simultaneously considers storage cost, retrieval accuracy, and efficiency, based on which we have developed a real-time sketch-based image search engine by indexing more than 2 million images. Extensive experiments on various retrieval tasks (basic shape search, specific image search, and similar image search) show better accuracy and efficiency than state-of-the-art methods.

MindFinder: Finding Images by Sketching

Click to download video Sketch-based image search is a well-known and difficult problem, in which little progress has been made in the past decade in developing a large-scale and practical sketch-based search engine. We have revisited this problem and developed a scalable solution to sketch-based image search. The MindFinder system has been built by indexing more than 1.5 billion web images to enable efficient sketch-based image retrieval, and many creative applications can be expected to advance the state of the art.