Fingerprinting the datacenter: automated classification of performance crises

  • ,
  • Moises Goldszmidt ,
  • Armando Fox ,
  • Dawn B. Woodard ,
  • Hans Andersen

EuroSys |

Contemporary datacenters comprise hundreds or thousands of machines running applications requiring high availability and responsiveness. Although a performance crisis is easily detected by monitoring key end-to-end performance indicators (KPIs) such as response latency or request throughput, the variety of conditions that can lead to KPI degradation makes it difficult to select appropriate recovery actions. We propose and evaluate a methodology for automatic classification and identification of crises, and in particular for detecting whether a given crisis has been seen before, so that a known solution may be immediately applied. Our approach is based on a new and efficient representation of the datacenter’s state called a fingerprint, constructed by statistical selection and summarization of the hundreds of performance metrics typically collected on such systems. Our evaluation uses 4 months of trouble-ticket data from a production datacenter with hundreds of machines running a 24×7 enterprise-class user-facing application. In experiments in a realistic and rigorous operational setting, our approach provides operators the information necessary to initiate recovery actions with 80% correctness in an average of 10 minutes, which is 50 minutes earlier than the deadline provided to us by the operators. To the best of our knowledge this is the first rigorous evaluation of any such approach on a large-scale production installation.