Framework for remote collaborative interaction in virtual environments based on proximity

  • Mar Gonzalez Franco ,
  • Mark Hall ,
  • Devon Hansen ,
  • Karl Jones ,
  • Paul Hannah ,
  • Pablo Bermell-Garcia

3D User Interfaces (3DUI), 2015 IEEE Symposium on, |

Published by IEEE


This paper presents a framework for remote collaborations within distributed teams where there is a need to communicate, share and modify information. The use of virtual environments is proposed to enhance Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). The current framework gravitates along the concepts of self-representation and proximity to implement different levels of interactivity both in the communication and in the collaboration axis. Proxemics is used as the rule for communications allows a high scalability for densely populated collaborative scenarios. Furthermore the use of proximity as the main rule to interact with the shared content establishes different levels of collaboration.