Incremental Graph Convolutional Network for Collaborative Filtering

  • Jiafeng Xia ,
  • ,
  • Hansu Gu ,
  • Tun Lu ,
  • Peng Zhang ,
  • Ning Gu

2021 Conference on Information and Knowledge Management |

Published by ACM

Publication | Publication

Graph neural networks (GNN) recently achieved huge success in collaborative filtering (CF) due to the useful graph structure information. However, users will continuously interact with items, which causes the user-item interaction graphs to change over time and well-trained GNN models to be out-of-date soon. Naive solutions such as periodic retraining lose important temporal information and are computationally expensive. Recent works that leverage recurrent neural networks to keep GNN up-to-date may suffer from the “catastrophic forgetting” issue, and experience a cold start with new users and items. To this end, we propose the incremental graph convolutional network (IGCN) — a pure graph convolutional network (GCN) based method to update GNN models when new user-item interactions are available. IGCN consists of two main components: 1) a historical feature generation layer, which generates the initial user/item embedding via model agnostic meta-learning and ensures good initial states and fast model adaptation; 2) a temporal feature learning layer, which first aggregates the features from local neighborhood to update the embedding of each user/item within each subgraph via graph convolutional network and then fuses the user/item embeddings from last subgraph and current subgraph via incremental temporal convolutional network. Experimental studies on real-world datasets show that IGCN can outperform state-of-the-art CF algorithms in sequential recommendation tasks.