Logic and the Challenge of Computer Science

  • Yuri Gurevich

in Current Trends in Theoretical Computer Science ed. Egon Boerger

Published by Computer Science Press | 1988

The chapter consists of two quite different parts.
The first part is a survey (including some new results) on finite model theory. One particular point deserves a special attention. In computer science, the standard computation model is the Turing machine whose inputs are strings; other algorithm inputs are supposed to be encoded with strings. However, in combinatorics, database theory, etc., one usually does not distinguish between isomorphic structures (graphs, databases, etc.). For example, a database query should provide information about the database rather than its implementation. In such cases, there is a problem with string presentation of input objects: there is no known, easily computable string encoding of isomorphism classes of structures. Is there a computation model whose machines do not distinguish between isomorphic structures and compute exactly PTime properties? The question is intimately related to a question by Chandra and Harel in “Structure and complexity of relational queries”, J. Comput. and System Sciences 25 (1982), 99-128. We formalize the question as the question whether there exists a logic that captures polynomial time (without presuming the presence of a linear order) and conjecture the negative answer. The first part is based on lectures given at the 1984 Udine Summer School on Computation Theory and summarized in the technical report “Logic and the Challenge of Computer Science”, CRL-TR-10-85, Sep. 1985, Computing Research Lab, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

In the second part, we introduce a new computation model: evolving algebras (later renamed abstract state machines). This new approach to semantics of computations and in particulur to semantics of programming languages emphasizes dynamic and resource-bounded aspects of computation. It is illustrated on the example of Pascal. The technical report mentioned above contained an earlier version of part 2. The final version was written in 1986.