Long-Term Study of Honeypots in a Public Cloud

  • Rakshit Agrawal ,
  • ,
  • Lukas Rist ,
  • Ryan Littlefield ,
  • Xun Fan ,
  • Ken Hollis ,
  • Zane Coppedge ,
  • Noah Chesterman ,
  • Christian Seifert

2022 52nd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks |

Published by IEEE | Organized by IEEE

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Public cloud hosting environments offer convenient computation and storage resources for cloud service providers, and these resources are also beneficial for adversaries to host malicious web-based attacks. As a result, cloud-based virtual machines are often attacked. In the paper, we conduct a long-term deployment and analysis of honeypots in a public cloud hosting environment. In particular, we deploy five low-interaction honeypots and one medium-interaction honeypot and measure the attack patterns over eleven months. In our study, we found that the low-interaction honeypots were attacked repeatedly, but the activity on the medium-interaction honeypot was small. We first provide an overview of the attack traffic activity. We then use Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to discover topics in the log data.